King's Business - 1924-01



GOOD NEWS PROM NEW ZEALAND The New Zealand Methodist Times contains the following regarding the work of Dr. French Oliver who has been holding evangelistic services in Australasia, which will he of interest to the King’s Business, readers: “The greatest spiritual awakening ever known in the his­ tory of this town.” The above is the testimony of re­ ligious workers who have resided here for forty-five years. The writer of this article desires to add that in his expe­ rience of special missions he has never seen such a work of grace in the hearts of men and women, nor has he seen such a spirit of conviction of sin generally throughout the community. This revival of religion is due to the advent in our midst of the distinguished American evangelist, Dr. French E. Oliver, and his song leader, Mr. Anton Cedarholm. The campaign lasted just over four weeks, and included five Sundays. From the beginning the meetings were marked by great spiritual power, the presence of the Holy Spirit being manifest in convicting and saving grace. . Dr. Oliver’s addresses were of an order rarely heard in this Dominion. His masterly grasp of his subjects, his clear and definite teaching couched in effective language, made an immediate appeal to the conscience of men. His stern denunciation of sin and his impressive depictions of its punishments could not fail to bring conviction, while his depth of knowledge of the human heart, his beautiful ex­ positions of obscure passages of Scripture and his wealth of literary, scientific and medical illustration made his mes­ sages especially attractive to his hearers. On the second Sunday night fifty-five came forward, while the third Sunday saw a harvest of seventy-eight. At one. of the ladies’ meetings nearly forty decisions were registered. From the second Sunday there was scarcely a day without many decisions for Christ, and this con­ tinued until the closing of the campaign, the final meeting on Tuesday night, brought forward fourteen penitents. In all six hundred and nine persons professed faith in Christ in these meetings, of Whom three hundred and twenty were adults.

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A. W. Orwig, Los Angeles.

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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