King's Business - 1924-01



WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT—WORK “My Father worketh hitherto and I work” That word “Hitherto” is important. Jesus says that up to this time God, His Father, had worked ceaselessly, and that He was a worker, too. How atfout hours, Lord? Well, let the record answer,— “He arose a great while before day” and went to work. Oh, you say,-—He only prayed. If anybody thinks praying isn’t work, let him learn to pray and then keep at it as Paul told us we should do,— “without ceasing.” We will find it work fast enough. And the day before» this morning mentioned Jesus healed until the sun had set and darkness stopped His work. Men don’t want to work these days,-—as little work as possible and as much for it as they can compel from other men who have learned how to get along with the minimum of labor. It’s tit for tat with labor and capital.:; But all this just shows how far men are from God. Any right-minded man, any God-man loves to work and will work and does work. John: 5-17. Copyright, 1920—-j;. A. R. vM/». S ' jfe S T A N D F A S T ! “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit yon lik e men, be strong!" (1 Cor. 16:13) Sure! That’s the word of inspiration clear, And counsel good for every time and age; ’Mid myriad fads to human hearts so dear, And spite of clacking tongues of would-be sage. Where are the critics who, in ages past Did rail, deride, this one true guide for men? Adown the ages oft their word sped fast Against the Book, but soon their course did end. The old hearth-stone, with loved ones gathered round, Was hallowed by the truths of this old Book; They read and loved it, too, and in it found True lessons for life’s task and sin forsook. When in our pulpits and our training schools, Are found those who would seek to mar this Holy Word, Cast it aside and urge some other rules By which to live and die,-»»¿then, gird the sword! No time to parley, then; the faith hold fast, For which the saints of old did bleed and die. The “Word cannot be broken” ‘twill outlast All creeds that know no Saviour, hush no sigh. Stand fast, ye saints! Hold to the Word of God— The Christ of Galilee— salvation through His blood! March bravely in the path by valiant martyrs trod, Who died to save it from o’erwhelming flood. William T. Wardle Westminister, California.

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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