King's Business - 1924-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

as older people. We have a specially prepared copy which makes it easy for any one to use. We wish we could tell you of the joy there is in using it, and the fact that thousands of people are waiting for the good news,—weary, tired-hearted people who have never known the story so dear and sweet to us. Any pastor who wants his people to be busy this year can find a solution to his problem by using the Gospel of John. Any teacher who wants their class to do the business for which God saved them, will find an easy way to promote some soul-saving work with their, scholars. Fathers and mothers can start a revival in their own home by using the Gospel for the family prayer hour, and then praying that their children may be saved and may go out to do the greatest, work in all the world. A nickel, will buy the Gospel and you can prove the plan for yourself. If you have any doubt about it, drop us a line and we will send you a Gospel without charge provided you will use it by giving it to some one else, We could obtain hundreds of testimonies from happy souls who have been won in the simple manner designed and prepared by by our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 20:31) If you have any other or better way, God bless you in using it. Only do not let us fail to make the blessed year before us—should He tarry—a great soul Winning year. Have you had the joy of winning a soul? We would not sell our right hand, which has been clasped by hundreds of men who had said in doing so, “ I will take Christ as my Saviour,” for all the wealth of Ford or Rockefeller. Now come back for a moment to our topic,— Repent­ ance, Restitution and Resolution! Confess your sin! Compensate for your failure! Courageously take up your God-given privilege and duty, and resolve by God’s grace to be soul-winners during 1924. A GREAT SCIENTIST-PREACHER—A GREAT CAMPAIGN Prof. I. R. Dean of Toronto, Canada, was for years Professor of Science in one of our leading schools. During those years though a church member, he was an infidel, deeply read in the infidel, materialistic liter­ ature of the day. Three years after he became a Chris­ tian and resigned his professorship to enter the min­ istry, the Scientist-preacher lectured two hours and a half before the leading infidel club of the South on “ Science and the Bible.” The one lecture killed that infidel club. That lecture in book form has gone around'the world. Prof. Dean joins Evangelist T. T. Martin in his na­ tion-wide campaign against evolution in our tax sup­ ported schools. He goes on right ahead of Mr. Martin 'and gives this wonderful address on “ Science and the Bible,” and Mr. Martin follows the next night on “ Hell and the High Schools.” The work of these two men, both of them having been college professors of science, will make an unus­ ual combination, and it will be worth going hundreds of miles to hear them. There will hardly be another such combination in this generation, and wherever they go, people will be powerfully moved and blessed. Schools, churches, pastors or communities desiring the work of these men, address, T, C. Horton, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

A CALL TO REPENTANCE, RESTITUTION AND RESOLUTION The call is definite, distinct and determined from God to the evangelical churches of America and to every individual believer. We have sinned and are sinning against Him. We are haughty and proud, We have been blessed above all the nations and we are prone to look with self com­ placency upon less fortunate people. We can see the faults of other nations and other individuals, but not our own. We need to bend our knees and bow our heads and breathe from the depths of our hearts our confession of our sins and our sorrow. We have sinned against greater light, and have flat­ tered ourselves with self-approved conimendation. We have lifted our heads high in the air and pitied others who measured not up to our standard of holy living. We need to be broken down before God. We need an old-fashioned season of confession. We need to get right with God. We need to make restitution to God. If we have not robbed our fellow men, we have cer­ tainly robbed God. We have not only robbed Him of the tithes and offerings which are His, but have sought to claim the glory due to His holy name and appropri­ ate it to ourselves. The Gospel has lost much of its power because the channels through which it passes,— when It does pass,—are defiled with unconfessed sin, —the sin of robbery. If We would pay what we owe to Him, or some part of the debt, remembering that we are a blood-bought people, and that every grace He has given us in in­ tended for use for Him ; if we would open the doors 0‘f hearts cleansed by the Holy Spirit to the infilling of His radiant life, and then summon our wills to a sur­ render of all to Him, resolved to do His bidding,—what a blessed year w;e would have before us ! What is the resolution we need to make? What is the greatest need of the world? It is the old and ever present need,—^devoted members of the body of Christ, who will carry out the instructions given by our Lord and by His apostles,—“ Go into all the world. Go give the good news to weary, sinJsick souls. ’’ -Why is it that so; few people are drawn to our churches? Is it not that the world fails to see in our lives the fruit of the new birth? No beauty that they desire. No manifest interest. No love for the lost. But where they do see it, are they drawn to the Sav­ iour? Yes, always some are drawn to Him who is lifted up. It is the solemn duty of every Christian to be a soul winner and we want to help every one we can to have a joyful year in His service. Ye have tested out a plan which God has blesséd in a wonderful way, and want to commend it as one of the best by which any pastor, teacher or individual believer, young or old, can do soul-saving work. Many are using it and having a rich fruitage. God has prepared a book for that purpose. We have all had it, but we have1not all sensed it. In the Book it is written; “ But these are, written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name.” We tried to do personal work for years without be­ ing impressed that the Gospel of John was intended to be used by personal workers, but we) have found that boys and girls have been able to use it as successfully

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