Kewanee PT. Staying Active & Becoming Better Balanced

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Are You Trying To Stay Active & Better Balanced?

There are a million and one tips that are passed down generation to generation about the key to a long and successful life. Some say the secret to a long and happy life is to focus on family; others say it all comes down to finding the right career. Whatever choices you make in your life, and whatever your values are, there are several fundamental truths that are almost always accurate: To stay healthy, you must stay active, and to stay happy, you must stay balanced. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL BALANCE Staying active and staying balanced, in many ways, go hand in hand. Staying active refers to theamountofactivity thatyouengage indaily.Thisofcoursecan refer to how much time you spend at the gym, but it can also refer to how many stepsyou take inaday,howoftenyoufindyourself runningaround theoffice,and how frequently you head out to the backyard to run around with your children or your dog. Balance in many ways works on the same principles. There are some activities that you do every day because you have to do them — work often falls into thiscategory,asdohouseholdchores.Butwhatabout theactivities thatyou simply love to do? What about the activities that you enjoy? Thinkabout the last time thatyousatdownwithabook thatyou lovedandmade yourself a cup of tea or coffee and really enjoyed the moment. Perhaps it isn’t reading that you wish you had more time for, but instead it is a garden that has grown weeds as it has been neglected. It could be a project at your home that

youhave looked forward tocompletingoranoldcar thatyou’vewanted tofixup. There are special hobbies and interests that appeal to each of us, and spending time with those hobbies can help you live a more balanced life. Alongside the task of becoming more mentally balanced with the things that you spend time with in your life is the challenge of becoming more physically balanced.Therearecertainmarkersthat typically indicatetroublewithmaintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your ability to stay balanced in this way, you may still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga isagreat formofexercise touse to improveyourability tobalance,asyoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You can improve your physical balance by: • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina • Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques Inadditiontofindingyourmentalbalancewithhowyouspendyourtime,becoming more physically balanced is just as important.

Schedule Your Appointment Today! Kewanee: 309.852-2200 Galva: 309.932.8100 Stark County: 309.695.4010.

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