It’s a pretty awesome feeling when our core values spill over into things we do outside of work. That’s exactly the case with Ashley’s involvement with the Houston Trial Lawyers Association (HTLA). Ashley got involved thanks to our colleague and friend Toby Cole, and since joining, she’s become a respected member and valued voice within the organization. Guiding the next generation of leaders is something Ashley is passionate about, and through her involvement with the HTLA, she’s living out our firm’s core values and her own passions. During a planning session for the HTLA last year, she brought up an idea that will provide mentorship and support to attorneys who are just starting out. “Toby invited me to a long-range planning retreat for the HTLA. The idea was to have the most involved people bring in some of the newer members to incorporate a different perspective,” Ashley explains. The blended group of newer and seasoned members came together and spent the day brainstorming and planning for the organizations three-year plan. During the session, Ashley and a few other members proposed an ambassador program that would serve as onboarding and support for new HTLA members, and the group quickly acknowledged the immense value in such a program. Ashley describes how it will work, “The program will be a liaison between new members and existing members.” Joining members will opt in and be paired with an existing member who will help them connect to opportunities like the HTLA’s Women’s Caucus and group happy hours. This month, I want to dedicate this space to someone who has contributed so much to my life and to my family. Danny Lee has worked for my parents’ company for many years, and in this time, he’s become not only a loyal friend to all of us but also part of our family. Danny is a leader not because someone says he is, but because he’s earned that status. He jumps in to learn whatever is necessary to bring the skills that are needed to the company. He’s trained as an information technology specialist, but when my parents needed a designer, he took classes, studied, and worked his way into the role. Whatever is needed, he is willing to learn how. He’s been there for my family through it all. When my dad was in the hospital, Danny was there. He brought us food, he answered my dad’s cellphone, and he made sure customers got the answers they needed. He has never wavered in being there for us. At BLF, Danny was there throughout the building process and heads up our IT. He’s also been an advocate of our firm, referring cases to us when someone close to him was injured. We are so grateful for his support and for thinking of us in those situations. Danny Lee Defines What It Means to Be a Leader
In a 2,000-person organization, having that type of support available for members is crucial, and it didn’t exist before. Ashley hopes to see the program up and running by March. In the process of collaborating on the ambassador program, Ashley’s colleagues noticed her dedication and leadership skills, so it’s absolutely fitting that they nominated, then elected, Ashley to HTLA’s Board of Directors for 2020.
As Ashley confirms of her role, “It’s a very great honor. I’m looking forward to getting more involved and having a voice. I’m excited to have this platform to speak from and voice what I think the organization needs.” We’re excited for this amazing attorney and role model to begin her leadership role and kick off the ambassador program. Through her involvement, she’s making a difference, believing in better, and being a facilitator of education, and we’re so excited to watch her journey through the coming year.
Our family with Danny and his wife, Maiyer Lor, at a Mavericks game
When I think about someone who shows up early, stays late, and goes above and beyond to learn something new, that’s Danny.
Danny recently married an amazing woman, Maiyer Lor, and the two are excited to embark on this next adventure and start a family of their own. We wish a lifetime of happiness to these two.
From me, my family, and our entire firm, thank you, Danny, for everything you do for us. I’m so glad you’re in our lives!
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