GLENNIE Strategic Plan

2. Character Development We recognise that every student has a range of unique abilities that require nurturing. In this fast-paced world, with new opportunities and challenges for young women, our philosophy is to develop each student’s personal character in order to prepare her for life. Educating the ‘whole girl’ is an important part of Glennie’s educational offering where we teach resilience, teamwork, leadership, spiritual awareness and courage. Programs that promote positive mental health, good physical health, as well as the social and emotional wellbeing of students remain paramount, as are courses that provide students with skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, and creativity.

Focus area

Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities: We will continue to educate the whole girl through extra-curricular activities such as dance, drama, arts, sports and language immersion programs. As leaders in educating young women, we know that these activities help build courage, resilience, critical thinking and confidence; characteristics required to be a lifelong learner and to thrive in a global world. Future and Life-Skills: Our Glennie Teaching and Learning Framework will be further enhanced to provide students with future skills, vocational training opportunities and development in emerging career areas. Effective communications, innovative problem solving and acquiring the ability to respectfully question are important life skills. The acquiring of these skills will be catalogued for each student, culminating in the presentation of an e-Portfolio (the Glennie Skills Passport) on completion of Year 12. This will complement existing programs such as ‘Our Life, the Universe and Everything’ – Thinking Science and Philosophical Inquiry. Spiritual Growth and Awareness: A deep awareness of one’s place in this world, complete acceptance of others, and personal spiritual growth will continue to be part of our school’s offering and Anglican ethos. We model a Christian world view and provide parents with the security that Glennie counts each person as having an inherent dignity. This will complement existing programs such as our Ethics, Philosophy and Religious programs. We will continue to provide opportunities for spiritual journeying including confirmation classes and regular worship in our Chapel services.

Student Wellbeing: An individual’s progress through all areas of Glennie school- life is monitored, with additional case management for those with particular needs. An extensive series of support networks, leadership opportunities and a student wellbeing curriculum guide will be refreshed as we enter a new era of learning at Glennie. The framework includes Chapel presentations, guest speakers, health education, Empowerment days, counselling and mental health awareness events.

Key Initiatives • E xpanded Immersion Programs: extended language opportunities (in addition to French) and service learning activities • Future Skills: Certified Course Program (Years 7 to12) • N ew Student Lead Conferences on Contemporary Issues (Years 7 to12) • New e-Portfolio and Glennie Skills Passport (Years 7 to12) • Refreshed Glennie Wellbeing Framework • Refreshed leadership and awards program (Years 7 to 12)

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