KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

A. There are some cults today which claim they are the 144,000. They invariably get into problems when their followers number more than this amount. The seventh chapter of Revelation is parenthet­ ical between the sixth and seventh seals of judgments. The saved are already in heaven. Those left here on earth are unbelieving Jews and Gentiles. God still wants the mes­ sage to go out to them. He chooses here on earth 144,000 messengers who are sealed for the task so that they will not be hurt by the judg­ ments. This number as the context clearly shows us are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. By the way, if someone tells you they are a part of the 144,000 you just ask them to which tribe they belong. That will show them the folly of their ways. The saved mul­ titude, again made up of those here on earth, are the fruit of these Jewish evangelists. You may be Jewish evangelists. You may be sure that there will be millions more than just the 144,000. Heaven will be occupied by all those through the centuries who have placed their complete faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation. Keep in mind, however, the Church made up only of born- again individuals, is not in theTrib- ulation. Q. Tucson, Ariz. "Does the state­ ment 'not under bondage' in I Cor. 7:15 mean that the party is free to marry again?" A. This entire passage should be studied since it deals with the reg­ ulations of marriage among Gen­ tile believers. The verse you have mentioned deals with an unbeliev­ ing spouse who has decided to Page 16

leave. There is nothing stated here about marrying again. The basis is that after everything is done within reason with persuasion then there is no further obligation if the mate is bound to go. God has called us to peace. That means peace of mind, peace of heart, peace with all men so much as is possible, and peace with the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many good Bible teach­ ers who believe that there is abso­ lutely no grounds for remarriage except following the death of one partner. Infidelity or adultery is an

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