KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

Elisha by Rev. Robert Shelton

Knowing the Unknowable One of the most thrilling stories in the Bible is the account found in II Kings concerning the life of God's servant Elisha. The sixth chapter, verses eight to twelve reveal that this faithful saint knew the unknowable. In verse 13 we discover that he “saw the invisible." In the closing verses of chapter six and the early verses of chapter seven we read that Elisha believed the impossible. What a testimony for a man's life: he saw the invisible, and he believed the impossible. Syria was a constant thorn in the side of the Northern kingdom of Israel. There were constant fightings that went on, somewhat similar to the guerrilla warfare we see in the Near East today. If it had not been for God's intervention through Elisha the King of Israel would have lost his life. According to verse nine the warning was heeded in time. Naturally this infuriated the Syrian king. He wanted to know who the spy was that gave away the plan for the ambush (vrs. 11). One of his servants explained that there was not any enemy in the camp. Elisha, God's prophet, told what secrets the Syrian sovereign had whispered even in the privacy of his bedroom. Can you imagine trying to wage a war with a man like Elisha on the other side? In his frustration the king ordered his best soldiers to go bring Elisha to him. A great army encircled the city of Dothan. Page 33

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