KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

Beginning with vrs. 9, we see James expressing his warning about danger of earthly possessions. How fast-fading and transitory these days really are. All that people treasure most will soon perish ev­ en as the flower that is cut from the field of bloom. Have you ever heard the old cliche, "It takes money to make money"? This may express a truth, at least as far as earthly wealth is concerned, but is far from the mark as it relates to true spiritual wealth. The more you as a believer invest your spiritual resources the more your eternal riches will increase. Verses 9 to 11 of this first chap­ ter may seem at first rather para­ doxical. How can the poor finan­ cially be rich spiritually? Someone has rightly called this section, "Rich Poor, and Poor Rich." "The broth­ er of low degree" is to rejoice in that he is exalted. The word "re­ joice" found here (vrs. 9) forms the link between this section and the clause in verse 2 that says, "Count it all joy." We as children of God are exorted to find, in all of our trials of life, cause for content­ ment. Our satisfaction comes with the realization of our position in Jesus Christ. The individual who is more interested in the world (the double-minded man) doesn't use his money wisely and his loyalties are divided. Keep in mind that James is still addressing those who know the Lord. This is evidenced by his use of the word "brother" (vrs 9). All of this suggests a family relation­ ship among believers in Christ. Some differences certainly exist, and always will. Yet an unde rgo ­ ing unity of faith binds us togeth­ er. We cannot possibly boast in Page 47

sume upon God's promises is a very dangerous thing. The "double minded man," referred to in verse 8 is the one who has no settled persuasion concerning the truth of God. Indecisiveness and vacilation should not characterize the believ­ er. His loyalties are divided. Two souls in one personality are vying for prominence. No wonder he is unstable in all his ways! If you are like this, find a good solid Bible- preaching church and settle down to go to work for the Lord. Do not jump around from place to place. You will never achieve anything for the Lord. You will be spiritually unstable. The Lord wants His own people to be single-minded in their pursuit of His will. "It is God's pleasure to give wisdom to those who ask of Him in faith. But if we make the request in a formal man­ ner, without implicit confidence in His readiness to answer, we only dishonor the Lord so that there is no response whatsoever. We may be assured that it is always His de­ sire to impart the necessary wis­ dom to His people which will en­ able them to pursue a right course through the scene that we call life itself" (Dr. H. A. Ironside). In the epistle of James we ac­ tually have a letter which deals with the subject of practical Chris­ tianity. We know salvation works on paper, but what about the prov­ ing ground of daily living? How to put your faith into experience is James' vital concern. In 1:6-8, the apostle shows his low regard for those who are doubtful of God's love and providence. Such a per­ son's stability is pictured as being like a raging wave of the sea. The Lord cannot honor requests from those who are "two-souled."

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