KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-07

The Biola gymnasium

does he entice men to sin. Yes, james is a wonderful book. We ought to study it carefully in the light of that which the Apostle teaches us under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God Applied It is important for us to realize the relation of the Word of Cod to salvation and our Christian experi­ ence. Unfortunately, the winds of er­ ror blow a steady gale. Never be­ fore have Cod's people stood in such jeopardy of being swept off their feet by the prevailing cur­

rents of false teachings. This is cer­ tain to be true as we approach the end of this age. What a blessing to know that God has given us His infallable and inerrant word (I Tim. 4:13-16). Cod has given us the good gift of His divine revelation to man (Jas. 1:17). The devil has always sought to contradict the truth of the Lord. Beginning with Eve in the garden, Satan sought to cast doubts by saying, "Ye shall not surely die." Today his plan is the same. He would have men believe, "The Lord does not really mean what He says."

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