And Get a Good Night’s Sleep Though there are very real medical conditions, such as insomnia and sleep apnea, that deprive people of sleep, the reason most of us probably don’t get enough sleep is simply because we put off our bedtime. Instead of getting into bed, we opt to check off another item on our to-do list or watch another episode of our favorite show. This is sometimes called “bedtime procrastination.” We all know a good night’s sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, so how can we stop putting it off?
Another big part is creating an environment that is conducive to a good night’s sleep, and that starts with turning your electronic devices off well before you get under the covers. Smartphone screens, computer screens, and even some energy-efficient lightbulbs emit blue light, which reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells your body it’s time to go to bed. Instead of looking at your phone, try reading a book before going to sleep. If your screens prove to be too big of a draw for you when bedtime comes, it might be a good idea to move your devices to another room so they’re out of sight and out of mind. Finally, don’t get discouraged if you don’t start getting better sleep right away. Setting up good bedtime routines takes time. But if you stick with it — and maybe have someone else in your house hold you accountable to your commitments — you’ll start to get better sleep and have more energy to take on the day in no time.
A good place to start is by keeping track of your day. The human mind isn’t meant to internalize checklists and task reminders, so use your phone or journal as a scheduling assistant. However you decide to keep track, make sure to give yourself a set amount of time to accomplish your tasks, like letting yourself watch TV for just one hour or blocking out three hours to help your kids with their homework. It might even help to set alarms on your watch or on your phone to let you know when your time is up on any of your activities.
Our law firm has been fortunate to help many deserving individuals, families, and small businesses obtain justice. At Hare Wynn, the practice of law is more than a business model — it is our calling. Our passion for personal service is one reason why a large percentage of our cases come from personal relationships, referrals, and word of mouth. Over the past several years, Hare Wynn’s lawyers have obtained numerous jury verdicts, several of which ranked among the top 100 in the nation. In addition, the firm settled a significant class action and multiparty case for hundreds of millions of dollars which changed the lives of thousands of our clients. If you find yourself in need of legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact us. It would be our honor to represent you.
Our lawyers and legal teams compete against the largest corporations and law firms in the world. Our ability to process and present information allows us to excel in complex, fast-paced litigation. We are a firm with no boundaries, and we’ll proudly put our record of success up against any others. At Hare Wynn, our attorneys can be summed up in three words: experienced, honest, and professional. These traits guide everything we do. Those of us who are fortunate enough to practice law at Hare Wynn do so with the goal of providing the very best legal representation available. It starts with the training and experience our courtroom lawyers and support staff bring to bear on behalf of every client. Hare Wynn has a “deep bench” of trial talent, and we are ready to serve a client on a moment’s notice.
On Oct. 5, 1882, Robert Goddard, also known as the Father of the Space Age, was born. Looking back, many appreciate how his ingenuity and brilliance gave rise to the Space Age, but during his lifetime, he was mocked for his ideas. After Goddard proposed he could build a rocket, the press openly criticized him, stating that it could never happen. Yet, only six years later, he launched his first rocket. We contend with similar challenges and skepticism in the field of law, though not as harshly as what Goddard had to endure. Hare Wynn takes on cases every day that, to some, may seem far too complex or difficult to litigate. But just as Goddard faced his challenges head on, we too do not back down from ours.
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