666099 Rev C MOR-A Guide

View industry leading, USA manufactured Sterngold implant systems-- MOR® Mini Implants, TRU®/PUR® Conical and Internal Hex Implants-- and their prosthetics, equipment and surgical protocols.

MOR-A Small Diameter Implant System ®

Get MOR ® Smile MOR ®

✓ Abutment head design

The MOR-A ® implant is a self-tapping, small diameter screw implant, manufactured from titanium alloy. The portion of the implant that is placed in the bone is grit blasted and acid etched. The MOR-A ® is supplied with a temporization cap that acts as a carrying tool and a hand driver. The implant body is designed with a tapering post connection which may be used for crown and bridge replacement. It can also be used for oral rehabilitation of partially dentate patients in the maxilla and mandible to support single unit and multiple unit restorations.

For crown and bridge indications

✓ 3.0mm


✓ Lengths:

10 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm, and 18 mm

✓ Manufactured in the USA

MOR ® -A Key Product Features • Affordable • Minimally invasive • Simple

Sterngold Dental, LLC | sterngold.com | (800) 243-9942 | 23 Frank Mossberg Drive · Attleboro, MA 02703

MOR ® -A Implant System Surgical Procedure



901494 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 10mm 901495 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 13mm 901496 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 15mm 901497 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 18mm

1 To place the MOR®-A, use a 2.0mm drill which is designed to penetrate through the gingiva and cortical plate with an osteotomy about one-third to one-half the length of the implant. A small flap or tissue punch is optional. Optional 2.7mm drill may be used in dense bone to widen osteotomy.

2 Peel back the cover on the inner blister package and upright the titanium tube that contains the MOR®-A Implant.

3.0 mm


904813 MOR®-A Analog

*NOTE: If MOR®-A Implant is modified, the MOR®-A Analog cannot be used.

904899 MOR®-A Temporization Cap


905257 MOR® Surgical Kit

905288 2.0mm Latch Drill 905219 2.7mm Latch Drill

905266 MOR® Insertion tool

4 When torque resistance is encoun- tered with the MOR®-A Temporiza- tion Cap, you may switch to the MOR® Wing Driver .

3 Use the attached MOR®-A Temp- orization Cap to deliver the implant from the package to the implant site and to begin hand driving the implant into the bone.

905269 MOR® Wing Driver

905009 MOR® Latch Driver-Captive

905259 MOR® Implant Socket

905738 Graduated Torque Wrench

905006 MOR®-A Recovery Adaptor

5 As an option, you can use your hand- piece to complete the insertion of the MOR®-A Implant using the MOR® Latch Driver at 15-30 RPMs with irrigation and a torque setting no higher than 55 Ncm.

6 The final turn or two of the implant placement may be done by hand, using a torque wrench at a maximum value of 55 Ncm.

7 The MOR®-A Temporization Cap can be used to make a temporary crown on the MOR®-A. It can also be used as a base with which to create the final crown, provided that the implant has not been modified. Send the impression to the lab with MOR®-A analogs.

666099 Rev. D

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