666099 Rev C MOR-A Guide

MOR ® -A Implant System Surgical Procedure



901494 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 10mm 901495 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 13mm 901496 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 15mm 901497 MOR®-A Implant, 3.0 x 18mm

1 To place the MOR®-A, use a 2.0mm drill which is designed to penetrate through the gingiva and cortical plate with an osteotomy about one-third to one-half the length of the implant. A small flap or tissue punch is optional. Optional 2.7mm drill may be used in dense bone to widen osteotomy.

2 Peel back the cover on the inner blister package and upright the titanium tube that contains the MOR®-A Implant.

3.0 mm


904813 MOR®-A Analog

*NOTE: If MOR®-A Implant is modified, the MOR®-A Analog cannot be used.

904899 MOR®-A Temporization Cap


905257 MOR® Surgical Kit

905288 2.0mm Latch Drill 905219 2.7mm Latch Drill

905266 MOR® Insertion tool

4 When torque resistance is encoun- tered with the MOR®-A Temporiza- tion Cap, you may switch to the MOR® Wing Driver .

3 Use the attached MOR®-A Temp- orization Cap to deliver the implant from the package to the implant site and to begin hand driving the implant into the bone.

905269 MOR® Wing Driver

905009 MOR® Latch Driver-Captive

905259 MOR® Implant Socket

905738 Graduated Torque Wrench

905006 MOR®-A Recovery Adaptor

5 As an option, you can use your hand- piece to complete the insertion of the MOR®-A Implant using the MOR® Latch Driver at 15-30 RPMs with irrigation and a torque setting no higher than 55 Ncm.

6 The final turn or two of the implant placement may be done by hand, using a torque wrench at a maximum value of 55 Ncm.

7 The MOR®-A Temporization Cap can be used to make a temporary crown on the MOR®-A. It can also be used as a base with which to create the final crown, provided that the implant has not been modified. Send the impression to the lab with MOR®-A analogs.

666099 Rev. D

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