Physical Therapy Services Inc.
Knowing & Exploring The Differences Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica?
INSIDE: • Understanding Back Pain • Patient Success Spotlight • Exercise Essentials • Complimentary Workshops!
Physical Therapy Services Inc.
Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica? Knowing The Difference Does lifeever feel likeone largepain in theback?Backpain isdifficult to deal with on a daily basis, yet for so many people, this is a total reality. By certain estimates, as many as 85 percent of adults in the United States struggle with back pain at some point in their lives.The most common type of back pain experienced is in the lower back, and it can happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident. Accidents at work can lead to similar consequences. But sometimes the cause of your back pain isn’t as straightforward. Back pain can also develop for any number of common reasons — things that you do every day without thinking twice. An old desk chair that doesn’tprovidemuch lumbarsupportcan take its tollover time,ascan wearing shoes that don’t have much support, or even gaining weight, particularly around the stomach area. Toomanypeopleconsiderbackpainanormalexperienceof their lives anddon’t immediatelyseeksupport thatcouldmake thepainan issue of thepast.Workingwithaphysical therapist is,handsdown, thebest thing that you can do when you are looking to overcome back pain. A
physical therapist can identify the cause of the back pain and present you with helpful strategies that can strengthen your back and reduce theseverityofyourpain.Physical therapy forbackpainoften includes a combination of advanced manual therapy treatment techniques, flexibility and range of motion training, muscle building, and targeted stretching techniques.Using thesestrategies incombinationwithanti- inflammatorymedication,asrecommendedbyyourphysician, isoften considered the most-efficient approach to handling back pain and is recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Being educated about your back pain can help you make the right choices to overcome it as quickly as possible. One of the biggest problems with back pain is that it lingers. This leads many people to dealwithbackpainforyearsonendwithoutseeminglyanyend insight.
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Understanding Back Pain
While there is back pain that develops as a result of strain or sprain, there is also something called low back degenerative disc disease, which happens when the discs in your spine weaken. This frequently develops as a result of repetitive back injury and can also develop as aresultofage.Withdegenerativediscdisease, thespacebetween the discsbeginstocollapseandbecomeunstableandwillcausebackpain todevelop.Whenyouworkwithaphysical therapist toovercomeback pain as a result of degenerative disc disease, your physical therapist will begin by strengthening core muscle groups, which includes the abdominal wall, and will provide you with advanced manual therapy treatment techniques and stretching techniques to alleviate pain. While some back pain is easy to identify as pain, such as is the case withdegenerativediscdisease, thereareothersituations inwhich the pain may be a bit more complicated to understand. One of the most commonback issuesexperienced in theUnitedStates issciaticapain, and thissortofpain isoftena lotmoredifficult to identify—especially by those who aren’t familiar with the problem. How can you tell the difference between back pain and sciatica pain? Theanswer isthatsciaticapain ischaracterizedbythefollowingfactors: • Constant pain is only present in one side of the buttocks or leg • The pain becomes worse when you are sitting • The leg pain develops more as a burning, tingling or searing sensation, and not as a plain ache • There is a sharp pain that occurs at times, making it sometimes difficult to stand or walk
• The pain is radiating, shooting down the leg and sometimes even into the feet and toes Sciatica pain develops in the nerves that connect the lower back to the legs, and so while the pain itself is generated from the back, a lot of time, the experience of the pain is more largely associated with theupper legs.What’smore,sciaticapaindoesn’talwaysdevelop like pain in the traditionalsense.Sciaticapain insteadcausesabuildupof tingling,numbnessandweakness inthe lowerbackandupper legs,and thepain isn’tconsistenteither.Thesensationwill typically run through the leg inwaves,causingdiscomfortatseeminglyunpredictabletimes. If you are experiencing back pain and you haven’t talked to a medical professional about the concern, then now is the time to take action. Working with a physical therapist can cut your time struggling with back pain literally in half. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us. Source
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1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. Has Your Pain ComeBack? 2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. Call To Talk to Your
Successful Outcome!
“I started out not being able to move or walk (barely). I have 9 dysfunctions between my hips and lower spine that pinched off my sciatic nerve along with a pinched nerve in my neck on the same side. I did not want physical therapy but I am so glad I did because now I have full range of motion and I’m able to walk as much as I want. Thank you, Adams Physical Therapy for everything! If you are someone who is reluctant, please know this: you will be in the absolute best hands. The Adams Physical Therapy team listens to your concerns and to your pain. They will work with you on all aspects! Thanks again!” - Macy H
Therapist Today (888)222-0130
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Exercise Essential Strengthens Back
Complimentary Workshops
By popular demand, we are hosting a Back Pain Workshop!
TRUNK FLEXION & EXTENSION Startonhandsandknees.Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, andhold.Then,archyourback theoppositedirectionas lowas youcomfortablycan,andhold. Repeat 6 times.
Always consultyourphysical therapistor physicianbefore startingexercisesyouare unsureofdoing.
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