
Physical Therapy Services Inc.


Is It Back Pain Or Sciatica? Knowing The Difference Does lifeever feel likeone largepain in theback?Backpain isdifficult to deal with on a daily basis, yet for so many people, this is a total reality. By certain estimates, as many as 85 percent of adults in the United States struggle with back pain at some point in their lives.The most common type of back pain experienced is in the lower back, and it can happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident. Accidents at work can lead to similar consequences. But sometimes the cause of your back pain isn’t as straightforward. Back pain can also develop for any number of common reasons — things that you do every day without thinking twice. An old desk chair that doesn’tprovidemuch lumbarsupportcan take its tollover time,ascan wearing shoes that don’t have much support, or even gaining weight, particularly around the stomach area. Toomanypeopleconsiderbackpainanormalexperienceof their lives anddon’t immediatelyseeksupport thatcouldmake thepainan issue of thepast.Workingwithaphysical therapist is,handsdown, thebest thing that you can do when you are looking to overcome back pain. A

physical therapist can identify the cause of the back pain and present you with helpful strategies that can strengthen your back and reduce theseverityofyourpain.Physical therapy forbackpainoften includes a combination of advanced manual therapy treatment techniques, flexibility and range of motion training, muscle building, and targeted stretching techniques.Using thesestrategies incombinationwithanti- inflammatorymedication,asrecommendedbyyourphysician, isoften considered the most-efficient approach to handling back pain and is recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Being educated about your back pain can help you make the right choices to overcome it as quickly as possible. One of the biggest problems with back pain is that it lingers. This leads many people to dealwithbackpainforyearsonendwithoutseeminglyanyend insight.

If you’re recovering from a sports injury, call to talk to your therapist today at (888) 222-0130!

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