King's Business - 1962-02

Herbert Armstrong:

Mr. Confusion

by Rev. Roger F. Campbell

ARMSTRONG — MR. CONFUSION.” Let me tell you why. I. HERBERT ARMSTRONG IS CONFUSED ABOUT HIMSELF. Perhaps the most thorough job of deception that Satan has done with Herbert Armstrong is the deception of Mr. Armstrong himself. He is so deceived, that he is sure that no one ON EARTH IS PREACHING THE TRUE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD EXCEPT HIM AND HIS CO-WORKERS. An article in the Plain Truth of February 1958 has this to say: “There is ONLY ONE WORK that is preaching the true gospel of the kingdom of God — the Tule and the reign of God -i— to the nations. This is that work. Then those who have their part in this work and are converted MUST CONSTITUTE THE CHURCH OF GOD! . . . “Every other work rejects the message of Jesus Christ or else rejects His rule through His laws. There is no exception. “Yes, this work is the work of the true Church of God. All others are satanic counterfeits! It is time we come out from among them and become separate.” Do you believe that every faithful pastor or mission­ ary in the world today is a counterfeit? Probably not, but Herbert Armstrong does. Can it be that men and women in all parts of the worlckwho have turned from sin to receive the precious Saviour, are shut out of the true Church of God, unless they are followers of Herbert Armstrong? Of course not! But Mr. Armstrong believes and teaches that they are. If your pastor and church are true to the Bible and people are saved by their ministry, are you to label them as “counterfeit” and stay at home to listen to “The World Tomorrow” and send Mr. Arm­ strong your tithe? Of course not! But Mr. Armstrong teaches that you should. Not only does Herbert Armstrong think_ he is the only preacher of the truth today, but he also has adopted the Mormon error of thinking that all truth was lost from the days of the Apostles until he began his broad­ cast in 1934. Let him speak for himself: “On the first Sunday in 1934, God’s time had come. God opened a DOOR! Jesus Christ himself had foretold this event! Millions have read his prophecy.

o r G od is n o t t h e a u t h o r of Confusion . . . ” I Cor­ inthians 14:33. “Who is Herbert W. Armstrong and what does he teach?” If you live in the United States (including Alas­ ka and Hawaii), Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, or Latin America, that question may have already come your way, for it is in all these areas that “The World Tomorrow,” Armstrong’s radio broadcast, is now carried regularly. The latest edition of the Plain Truth, (Armstrong’s monthly magazine) at this writing, carries 127 listings in the “Radio Log” section. Whatever else may be said of Herbert Armstrong, it must be admitted that he has certainly enjoyed a meas­ ure of success in his effort to capture the minds of men. Letters pour into his headquarers at the luxurious Am­ bassador College at Pasadena, California, from around the world, with some even being written by ministers, and native pastors, who announce that they are using his literature and listening regularly to his broadcasts. This appeal, of course, when attached to error, makes the danger even greater. After being asked about Herbert Armstrong, I set out to identify him. I soon discovered, however, that pigeon­ holing this fellow’s teaching was no simple task. Just when I thought I had him labeled with one of the well-known cults, another of his teachings would come to my attention that would divorce him from that group. Here was sort of an hybrid-heretic who seemingly had jumped the fences of three or four mistaken groups to take along some peculiar and unscriptural doctrine of theirs to make it his own. I also noticed that almost nothing he had to say was original, or new, but to say the least, it was certainly re­ organized. In fact, I began to see that I had found one of the most interesting, and to put it in Mr. Armstrong’s words, SHOCKING, INCREDIBLE, cases of organized Confusion, that I had ever run across. So it is that today, some years after my study of Herbert Armstrong began, and with my file bulging with his publications, I have sat down to write an article showing the PLAIN TRUTH about his teaching. As I begin, I can think of no more fitting title than the one that appears at the heading of this paper: “HERBERT



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