King's Business - 1962-02

by A rnold D . Ehlert Librarian, Siala Collega

Acting Out the Truth By Sarah Walton Miller


Planning a Christian Day Camp By Valerie Seger This is a handy guide-book for the entire day-camp program. The book is very terse but it covers adequately all phases of day camping. The ap­ proach is rather chronological and gives the local church direction in establishing a program from begin­ ning to end. A compendium of practical sugges­ tions. the book includes addresses for material, insurance, programs, and other helpful resources. In addition to these necessary items, suggestions are given for training the staff, child evangelism and control of discipline problems. The coverage of these areas is a bit brief, but beneficial. The book is intended to be only a guide book and is, consequently, con­ densed. It would serve as an adequate beginning for setting up such a pro­ gram in a local church. The subject metter is quite timely as the day­ camping approach to summer and va­ cation Bible school is a rapidly-grow­ ing trend in Christian Education. 96 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.60 — Reviewed by Bill Van Byn­ um. GROWING-UP STORIES FOR FOUR'S AND FIVE'S compiled by Mary E. LaBar. 104 pages; cloth; Scripture Press, Wheaton. III.; $1.95. A collection of one-page stories that are pointed toward character development and wholesome attitudes. CHRIST AND HUMAN VALUES by A . C. Reid. Out of a long background of teaching at Wake Forest College the author presents a vigorous challenge to the reader to accept a Christian philosophy of life. The messages were originally delivered at Mercer University during a religious emphasis week. LOVE AND CONFLICT; NEW PATTERNS IN FAMILY LIFE by Gibson Winter. 159 pages; paper; Doubleday & Co.. Garden City, N.Y.; $.95, A Dolphin paqerback edition of a discussion of family relationships analyzing the conflict pat­ terns that develop and presenting solidifying for­ mulae. MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUETS by Grace Ram- quist. 59 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Handbook of skits, readings, toasts, and other features helpful in planning a common function. THE POSTMAN OF PATMOS by G. A. Had- jiantoniou. 149 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Messages on the seven letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3. The author is a native Greek and trained in law in Athens and in theology in Edinburgh. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications)


BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES You will travel by boat and plane, by day and night, from island to island. Thrill to the crowds, longing hearts and hands reaching for the Gospel. READ "CARIBBEAN HARVEST" By Glenn V. Tingley Introduction & Forward by Dr. B. H. Pearson Read about the 5 V 2 million English speaking people in the West Indies yearning for Christ ere the night of Communism closes in. Purchase today from your book room, or order from: P U R I T A N R E P R I N T S New and Used Books Bible Tru th Depot Swengel, Pa. Free catalog upon request "The Convent Horror" Story of Barbara Ubryk One of the saddest narratives on Convent Life ever written. No book like this in print! In "The Convent Horror" terrible facts taken from Official Records, reveal how beautiful Barbara Ubryk was locked in a small Nunnery Basement Dungeon twenty one years. The most terrible revelations ever recorded! Protestants awake! Order your copy of this amazing book to-day. Postpaid only $1.35. Edition limited. Gospel Books Dept. KB -2 Rowan, Iowa BOOKS ON BIBLE FAC TS A N D PROPHECY They explain the present conditions as well as the future in the light of the Bible. 1. God's Time Piece, the Great Jewish Signs of Today. 2. How the Bible is being Fulfilled Today. How 150 verses are being fulfilled. 3. The Olivet Discourse, and the future Ex­ plained by the Bible. What the Bible states about the U.S. in Europe and the Antichrist. 4. The Great Facts, Proofs, and Evidences of the Christian Faith. A book that proves the Bible to be the Word of God. 5. The Way to Eternal life. Most helpful. 6. The Hydrogen Atomic Bomb in the Light of the Bible. 7. The Coming Conflict with Russia and Com­ munism. 8. Man's Existence after Death. An accurate exposition from the Bible. 9. United States is in Danger from 4 things. 10. A special message on the Great Problems of the Middle East in the Light of God's Pro­ phetic Word. All Ten for $1.50 REV. ANDREW OLSEN, Bible Expositor, Sequim, Wash. Radio Revival Book Room Box 1928, Birmingham, Ala, O N L Y $ 1 . 0 0

Drawing from her vast experience and desire for dramatic expression, Mrs. Miller presents a fine selection of worship presentations for youth and adults for Sunday school or oth­ er worship opportunities. These dramatized worship services are of various lengths, using as few as two to as many as fifteen partici­ pants, are easily prepared and pre­ sented. Such presentations are de­ signed by Mrs. Miller to have a three-fold effect upon the worship service. They provide an opportunity for several to participate, express themselves and render a service. Dra­ ma presentations in worship also for­ tify and make more vivid the truths presented. Finally, she seeks to show how this can be used to develop and discover unused talent in others. Suggestions are given for produc­ tion, such as lighting and setting. Simple costuming is suggested, mak­ ing the book very practical for the smaller local church, yet flexible for those churches with a wider variety of facilities and equipment. The ma­ terials of the presentations are up­ lifting and obviously enhance the worship experience, xxx, 120 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville; $2.50 — Reviewed by Bill Van Byn­ um. Read Me a Story From Four and Five story papers Over fifty stories to be read to pre­ schoolers are presented here with colored illustrations. The v a r i e t y ranges from the fable and everyday family experiences to the Bible-re­ lated story. Some finger plays and poems provide activity and an oppor­ tunity to expand appreciation. While the stories were designed to be read to the children, the second and third graders should be able to read this material for themselves. 112 pages; cloth; Standard Publishing, Cincin­ nati; $2.95. CORRECTION: In a recent review of his book Jewish Holy Days: Their Prophetic and Christian Significance the author, Coulson Shepherd, was identified as a Hebrew-Christian. We discover that this is an error; he is a Gentile Christian, who has been en­ gaged in testimony to the Jews for the past forty years. We are sorry for the error!





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