King's Business - 1962-02

MEAT FOR MEN by Leonard Ravenhill. 127 pages; clofh; Bethany Fellowship/ 6820 Auto Club Road, Minneapolis 20, Minn.; $2.00. The messages are designed to produce strong Chris­ tians (not limited to the masculine sex). The author is a well-known British evangelist. LEARNING TO LIVE by Alan Redpath. 132 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $2.25. The pervading theme of these messages is the Lordship of Christ as the basis for revival of the local church. THE BOOK OF MORMON— TRUE OR FALSE? by Arthur Budvarson. 63 pages; paper; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. This book points out the changes that have been made in the Book of Mormon since its first publication in 1830. Photographic reproductions are used for this purpose. Archaeological infor­ mation is seen as not supporting Mormon claims to confirmation of their classic. THE CHRISTIAN ANSWER TO COMMUNISM by Thomas O. Key. 125 j pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Repro­ duction of a > series of articles published in United Evangelical Action some months ago. It is a valuable study guide with a Christian inter­ pretation and critique. THE CHALLENGE OF THE CULTS by Harold Lindsell and others. 80 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.00. Reprint of articles appearing previously in Christianity Today covering Christian Science, Mormonism, Unity, Seventh-Day Adventism, Jehovah's W it­ nesses, Spiritualism, and Zen-Buddhism. ALWAYS IN CHRIST, POEMS by Maris C. Turk. 104 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $2.00. A deeply devoted and spiritual woman who has lived many years in loneliness shares some of her deepest thoughts. Individual pieces are grouped under main topics. THE FOURTH MAN IN THE FIRE, AND OTHER SERMONS by R. E. Bell. 79 pages; cloth; Ameri­ can Press, New York; $2.50. Twelve brief mes­ sages by a Southern Baptist educator. LITTLE LAMBS by Bill Behm. Unpaged; Concor­ dia Publishing House, St. Louis; no prtee listed. THE CHRISTIAN CALLING by Virgil Vogt. 48 pages; paper; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $.50. An important subject on which there is not much to be had easily. This is no. 6 of a series, Focal pamphlets. It presents the New Testament principles of commitment and service. THE TURTLE DOVE, A STORY OF THE MOUN­ TAINS OF ALGERIA by Ferdinand Duchene. 256 pages; paper; Moody Press; $.89,. A TABLE IN THE WILDERNESS by L. J. Dickin- son, 244 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. House, Grand Rapids; $3.50. A novel of pioneer life in the United States. Deep piety and rugged individualism combine to produce con­ flicts that cafry the interest. A colloquial tone adds to the color. THE HOLY SPIRIT A T WORK by S. Franklin Logsdon. 158 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chi­ cago; no price listed. A Moody pocket book by a former Pastor of Moody Cnurch. STONES OF FIRE by Isobel Kuhn. 192 pages; paper; Moody Press.- Chicago. Pocket book ver­ sion of the larger book. WARRING FAITH by L. Carter. 159 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; Devotional study of David. A Moody pocket book. THE FOURTH WINDOW by Ellen Jane MacLeod. 127 pages; paper over boards; Cowman Publish­ ing Co., Los Angeles; no price listed. A mystery story for boys ten through fifteen, with Chris­ tian elements in it. TWO BY TWO by Mildred Krentel. Unpaged; paper over boards; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $1.95. The story of Noah and the ark told in rhyme with pictures. A very attractive little pro­ duction. This .is the second such book that this 85-year-old publishing house has issued, a pic­ ture book for very young children, I See Four hav­ ing dealt with the story of the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. IF WE DARED by Chester E. Swor. 141 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $2.50. De­ votional messages by a former professor of Mississippi College who is now a traveling speak­ er and counselor. JUNGLE METHODS by S. Muller. 46 pages; paper; World-Wide Keswick, P.O. Box 7, Golden- rod, Fla.; $.50. A pioneer missionary in South America shares experiences and advice on many topics. Typical schedules in primitive work are presented with illustrations in pencil sketch. HOW TO BE A YOUTH SPONSOR by Roy B. Zuck. 48 pages; paper; Scripture Press, Wheaton, III.; $.60. A practical and stimulating guide for the volunteer guide to the youth groups. Many concrete suggestions are offered. WORKBOOK ON THE BOOK OF ACTS by J. Vernon Jacobs. 64 pages; paper; Standard Pub­ lishing, Cincinnati; $.75. Fill-in type of book for young Christians who are just beginning Bible study. Facts, problems, and projects are in­ cluded. Good for Sunday school work or private study.

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