King's Business - 1962-02


Moody Institute o f Science p res en ts a n o t h e ^ M I S E R M O N F R O M S C I E N C E F I L M w ith D r. Irw in A . M o o n ' T h e P r o f e S S O F and The Prophets”

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R

“TS ./T oMMffi,” queried Mark, “h ow i. y JL old would you be if you only had seven children?” “Wow!” thought Mommie, “How do I answer something so unanswer­ able?” Mark’s mother knew why the little fellow had asked the question. For the past year her “caboose” has been making his own private investigation of the ages of mothers of his acquaint­ ance. His study has convinced him it is correct to equate the age of moth­ ers with the number of children they have. To Mark a mother is young if she has but one or two children. So his mother is categorized with Mrs. Methusaleh! When Mother confessed to her age when she had but seven youngsters, Mark’s curiosity was satis­ fied. But the question piqued Mother’s interest in a matter more profound and far-reaching than physical age. “How spiritually mature should you be if the fruits of a Christian life were equated with the number of years you have been a Christian? More than this, if Christ had had His way throughout all of your Christian life, how old would you be from the standpoint of maturity? “I’ve been a child of God through faith in Christ’s work on Calvary since the age of eight. Yet there are areas in this emerging picture which show need for increased maturity. “Self-evaluation is of little value if no effort is expended toward im­ provement. God has brought me to the threshold of 1962. He has every right to expect me to mature and ‘show my age.’ ” “But speaking the truth in love, may grow up [mature] into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” (Ephesians 4:15 ).

Did the Bible prophets speak by divine authority or from human imagination? What chance do human predictions have of coming _ true and how do fulfilled Bible prophecies compare?

In "The Professor and the Prophets," newest film of the Moody Institute of Science with Dr. Irwin A. Moon, Professor Peter W. Stoner applies the principles of mathematical prob­ ability to prophecies concerning Babylon, Jerusalem, Tyre and Petra and uncovers some amazing facts concerning the author­ ship of the Bible.

“ ‘ The Professor and the Prophets” is a Sermon From Science version of the film , The Stones Cry Out’.’ ft is designed as an evangelistic tool to reach the secular mind, yet is excellent for youth groups and for churches wishing to foltow up “ The Stones Cry Out’.’

10 mm Color —ZV m inutes — rental $ 1 2 .5 0 Write for name of nearest film dealer M O O D Y INS T I TU T E OF SCIENCE P.O. Box 25575 K Los Angeles 25, Calif. EASTER

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Beok-A-Menth Subscription Orders will bo filled In sequence below, unless otherwise requested.


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__Joshua-Ruth __Isaiah I __II Corin. — I Samuel __Isaiah II __I John-Jude __II Samuel — Isaiah III __Revelation — I Kings __.11 Kings ___Jeremiah I

I — Ephesians

_____ Luka II — Exodus ___Luka III ______Job

— Phil.-Col.


— Mark

I Ml Thess. | — I Timothy

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___Hebrews II ___Pselms IV __.Romans I __Psalms V ___Romans II — Lev.-Numbers ___Proverbs __l Corin. I _____Deuteronomy



— Jeremiah 11-Lam. — I Chron -Esther __Ezekiel __Daniel __Minor Prophets I __Minor Prophets II __Index N. T.



| — Genesis II

__Ecc.-Song of Sol.


__I Corin. II






Published by Baker Book Heute, Grand Rapids, Michigan


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