King's Business - 1962-02

alumni news by Inez McGahey

shall be taking more of an active part in the church in Orsay. Neil will be respon­ sible for the organization of the Sunday school and Joanna will assist in one of the children’s classes.” Howard Smith ’61 is working with the American Sunday School Union in Gold­ en, Colorado. Eleanor Kingman ’49 is on furlough from Honolulu, where she serves with the Go-Ye Fellowship, Inc. Dale ’57 and Ruth Sherman are serving a church in Snohomish, Washington. “One highlight of the second baptismal service was a young couple who dedicated their lives to full time missionary service that evening.” Don and Faith (Hollingsworth ’21) Turner, Quito, Ecuador: “Don’s course on Pastoral Theology is now completed, and he is to begin his fifth course on Doctrine, this time on prophecy.” George '18 and Gladys (Gibson T9) Ekdahl, “After 40 years of fruitful serv­ ice in Bolivia, are not content to cease all service immediately . . . and are now accepted for limited work with the Mis­ sion to the Migrants.” Rolland ’50 and Furne (Harrison ’51) Rich, Lima, Peru: “Annual conference again gave us the opportunity to review the work done in the past year in Peru by Wycliffe Bible Translators among 30 Indian tribes. Of these, 22 now have had professions of faith. There are approxi­ mately 1500 believers in all the tribes.” Ben ’42 and Adelle (Ottoson ’42) Elson, Mexico City, Mexico: “The Lord has added 142 to our number this past year.” have you remembered the ALUMN I BUILDING PROJECT? Ed and Joyce Overholt ’47, ’55 SMM, Mexico: “Joyce has worked on the dic­ tionary and typed some Bible stories and I Peter.” Richard ’32 and Margaret (Humphrey ’32) Hillis, California: “Spirit-filled na­ tional pastors and laymen are the key to revival and the evangelization of the Philippines. They recently had six pas­ tors’ conferences. Their mission recently changed their name from Orient Crusades to Overseas Crusades, Inc.” John ’40 and Mary (David ’40) Dedrick, Mexico: “Our main work has been that of making out a check list of concepts that are important and yet difficult to ex­ press in Yaqui. The Bible teaching minis­ try has continued in several places. There were opportunities to assist at two differ­ ent Bible Conferences in the area.”

William R. ’22 and Hazel (Long ’23) Hunriehs, Gustine, California, are working mainly in the Salinas Valley. “W e found the place bustling as usual and the camps filled with Mexican nationals. Meetings were held in twenty or more camps.” Priscilla Bartram ’56, Lima, Peru: “This year thirteen children have found their places daily in my classroom. The over­ all program of Wycliffe in Peru con­ tinues. We are thankful to the Lord for the arrival of the Piro New Testament, the entrance into another tribe, new be­ lievers in several tribes, more portions of Scripture translated, and advance in the language work of various tribes.” Dororthy ’34 and Sydney Best, Japan: “Many guests came to see the dedication of the Yokohama Overseas Chinese Young Peoples Christian Center, including the Chinese Consul - General, officers, a n d friends . . . I am particularly thankful for a trip to the island of Quemoy.” Oral and Eunice (Olson ’43) Kintner and family have returned to the Philip- The KINTNER FAMILY pines after their furlough. They are serv­ ing with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. Janice Dodson ’59 SMM and Phyllis Walker ’59 SMM, Lee, Territory of New Guinea, the last few months have been working as buyers for the Wycliffe group. They expect soon to begin translation in Malu, located on the river. Lydia Kurle ’47, Tanganyika, East Afri­ ca, is teaching in a nursing school. Geneva Kosher ’42, East Africa: “Now our 13 Teacher Training College staff members are busy helping 164 students prepare for four weeks of practice teach­ ing. My part is seeing that over 2000 Bible lesson plans are all right.” Ruth Casey ’48, Ivory Coast, West Africa, conducts reading classes among the people. Lois McKinney ’53, Portugal, has fin­ ished formal language study. “The ad­ ministration of the seminary has been turned over to a foundation directed by Portuguese pastors and businessmen, the Baptist Association for Evangelism. We shall continue teaching in the school, put­ ting the major emphasis upon training professors to replace us.” Neil ’54 and Joanna Ashcraft, France: “Along with continued French studies, we





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