King's Business - 1962-02

m ° x V This new column of TH E KING’S BUSINESS is devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. APPEALS FOR FUNDS I cannot understand why there are always so many ap­ peals for funds over the air. It seems like every Gospel program which is put on the radio today has its "hand out." We are just poor people and feel we must give what we can to our church. In our case, the church itself is just going into a building program and has been putting pressure on, not only to meet current obligations, but also for the budget of a new building project. Since you have opened up your pages for comments by readers I for one would like to know how some of the oth­ ers feel about this. As I re­ call, there didn't use to be so many calls for support. One can't help but wonder what impression all this have upon those who are non- Christians. Isn't there some other way to raise the neces­ sary funds? DIVORCE CONDEMNED I have never read such il­ logical statements as ap­ peared in the item on "Why Condemn Divorce?" (January Vox Pop). To think that di­ vorce is permissible just because we are unhappy in marriage and since God wants our lives to be filled with joy. Such reasoning is from the devil. Men are always prone to forget God until something goes wrong and then they find Him convenient to blame.

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