King's Business - 1962-02

i dishonest Translation by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

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One o f the most blatant efforts to down­ grade the Person and work o f our Lord Jesus Christ to be found in the Kevised Standard Ver­ sion occurred in connection with the verse, Mat­ thew i : i 6. In the preceding verses a rather long genealogical list is recorded and in each instance the phrase, "was the father o f” occurs. Por ex­ ample, "David was the father o f Solomon.” But in verse 16 , the order changes very abruptly for we read, even in the Kevised Standard Ver­ sion, "And Jacob, the father o f Joseph, the hus­ band o f Mary, o f whom Jesus was bom who is called the Christ.” However, a very damaging and completely inexcusable footnote is inserted in connection with that particular verse. It reads, "Other ancient authorities read, eJoseph, to whom was betrothed the Virgin Mary, was the father o f Jesus who is called Christ.’ ” One can­ not believe that this was anything other than a rather dishonest attempt to minimize, i f not completely eliminate, the doctrine o f the virgin birth o f our Lord Jesus Christ. That the phrase, "Other ancient authorities” was a deceitful statement is evidenced by the fa c t that in the New English Bible New Testament translation, the statement is made, "One early witness has rand Joseph to whom Mary, a virgin, was be­ trothed, was the father o f ” (Jesus). Even tJw translators o f the New English Bible could not quite go for the statement, "Other ancient au­ t h o r i t i e s a s though there were an appreciable number o f these who recorded that Joseph was the father o f Jesus. But even the translators o f the New English Bible stretched a point when they made the statement, "one early witness.” As a matter o f fa c t "the witness” referred to was not particularly early nor was he much o f a witness. "The authority” is itself a version or a translation and it is utterly unknown as to how many times removed it was from the orig­ inal manuscripts. And, when compared with


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