2020 NJ STEM Month Virtual Showcase


2. STEMtastic: Jersey City Public Schools, in partner- ship with the Department of 4TH Youth Development of Rutgers University and HCCC, is offering an exciting opportunity to a select group of students in grades six through eight. Our goal is to provide our district’s future STEM professionals with a forum to explore their curiosi- ties and engage in new learning experiences. Our theme for STEMtastic is computer engineering. 3. NJ STEM Showcase: Carolina Balcarza and Dr. Clive Li would have been at the Statehouse in Trenton to show- case their summer science research program. The eight- week intensive summer research program combines formal classroom instruction and hands on research both independently and under HCCC STEM faculties. HCCC students are given the opportunity to work with high school students and faculties on scientific research projects of their choosing, with the goal of having their research entered in competitions or published in scientif- ic journals.

Hudson County Community College (HCCC) has the mis- sion of providing high-quality educational opportunities that promote student success and are accessible, com- prehensive, and learning centered. To support NJ STEM month, HCCC was planning the following three activities:

1. Girls in Technology: Now in its seventh year, the HCCC “Girls in Technology” symposium provides the young women attending with opportunities to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemat- ics) studies and careers from educators and individuals actually working in STEM, and STEM-related, careers.

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