666273 Rev I Dental Implant Catalog

Guided Surgery

TRU® and PUR® Implant Digital Workow

DRILLING SEQUENCE The graduated drilling sequence and specic size of each surgical component for each osteotomy will be indicated in the surgical and sequence report provided with the surgical guide. Note: Drilling speeds must be performed at speeds between 1500 - 2000 rpm for D1 and D2 bone and 1000 rpm for D3 and D4 (unless otherwise indicated) with copious irrigation of refrigerated sterile saline (0.9%NaCl). The TRU® and PUR® drills are not true-to -depth, the drill tip should not be included in determining the nal depth of the osteotomy in coordination with indicator lines on each drill. This is a keyless surgical system; all components and drills will be advanced completely until they stop inside the surgical guide sleeves. The stops are built into the components and drills which are considered during the planning. All components and drills are color coded according to size and the surgical kit box. The general sequence of components and drills follow the order below:

1. Tissue Punch, for tooth and mucosa supported surgical guides not requiring ap technique allows for minimally invasive implant placement while preserving the adjacent tissue. (Recommended Speed 600 RPM)

2. Flat Drill, model and atten the cortical bone at the implant site preparatory. (Recommended Speed 650 - 900 RPM)

3. 2.0mm x 6.0mm (pilot) drill. This will be the initial penetration of the cortical plate.




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