King's Business - 1943-02

February 1943


Listen to His words: “Neither pray I for these ‘alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word” (v. 20). Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Object Lesson “ P ” T ells of P rayer OBJECT: A capital “P.” (Make the capital “P” by using a piece of white paper 8%xll inches. Fold in the mid­ dle, making the size 8^x5% inches, and cut out the “P,” which will be dou­ ble. Cut down the fold, making two separate “P’s.” Cut the curved por­ tion from the upright, on one, and you have the letters “U” and “ I.” Hide these letters behind the “P” in their original positions and thumb-tack to the blackboard. The stem bf the thumb tacks should be by the side and not through the paper, thus allowing the pieces underneath to be pulled out.) LESSON: Guess what this capital “P” represents. Perhaps I had better tell you that it stands for a very im­ portant subject in the Bible. “Prayer.” Yes, Mary, you are correct. In John 17 we find one of the most important prayers in the Bible. It is spoken of as the intercessory prayer of Christ. As we study this prayer we see that there are many things in it. You will be interested to know that you and I are In Christ’s prayer, for we read, “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word” (John 17:20). Let’s examine the capital “P” and see whether it contains anything else. See, “U” and “I" are in it. >The prayer contains something more. In John 17:18 we read, “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world.” “U” and “I” are sent ones. In John 8:12 we read, “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world.” In Matthew 5:14 we hear Him speak to His disciples saying, “Ye are the light of the world.” Jesus has sent His disciples into the dark world to shine for Him. He expects each of us to be faithful in shining. As I tack the “U” and “I” on the board, they make a candlestick, show­ ing how “U” and “I,” mentioned in the prayer of Christ, should let our light shine for Him in this dark and sinful world.

was a boyhood companion of Robert Lincoln, the son of Abraham Lincoln. He entered the Civil War and went to the front. When Robert Lincoln found that his friend was a private soldier, he said to an acquaintance, “Write, and tell him to write to me, and I will intercede with Father, and get him something better.” The young soldier said: “ I never took advantage of the offer, but you do not know what a comfort it was to me. Often after a weary march I would throw myself on the ground and say: ‘If it becomes beyond human endurance, I can write to Bob Lin­ coln and get relief; and I would rather have his intercession than that of the cabinet, because he is a son.’ ” Every true Christian knows that he has the best friend possible at the court of heaven, in the Son of God, who “ever liveth to make intercession” for us. Even before the cross, Christ prayed that we might be kept secure and unified with the Father and the Son.—Adapted from L. A. Banks, in Attractive Power of Christ. MEMORY-VERSE: “The blessing of the Lord be upon you: we bless you in the name of the Lord” (Psa. 129:8). APPROACH: How many of you got up and came to Sunday-school today without talking to a single person all morning? No one, of course! We all like to talk to people we lo\e. If we . l o v e our heavenly LESSON STORY: One of the first things the Lord Jesus mentioned in this talk, or prayer, was eternal life. The Lord Jesus came to earth so that people could have eternal life by be­ lieving in Him and in His. Father. Jesus told His Father that He had given His friends the words that God had given Him, and that they knew that He and His words had come from God. Many people heard the Lord Jesus while He was on earth, but not every one accepted His words. His prayer was not for the world, but for His friends. He wanted them to have His joy in their hearts. He knew that the wicked world w o u l d hate His f r i e n d s , as it hated Him, and He wanted His Father to keep them safe from(the evil in the world. He sent them into the world to tell others about Him. The Lord Jesus included you and me in His beautiful prayer. 5-Division Jesus' Prayer for His Friends J ohn 17:1-20 F a t h e r , we will w a n t to talk to Him, too. Just a short while before the Lord Jesus died on the c r o s s , He had a very beau­ tiful talk with His heavenly F a t h e r about His friends on earth.

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