King's Business - 1943-02



does not fill us with terror, but In­ spires us with assurance. For Those Who Have Topics I. ASSURANCE OF PROVISION (Psa. 23:1-3). 1. Provision f o r spiritual n e e d s (v. 1). We have a reservoir of power (Heb. 4:16). 2. Provision for p h y s i c a l neeas (v. 1). We have a reservoir of supply (Phil. 4:19; .Psa. 34:10).- We may not have all we want, but we will not suffer for lack of any good thing. 3. Provision of leadership (vs. 2, 3), If we follow Him, we have light upon our path (John 8:12). n. ASSURANCE OF PROTECTION (VS. 4, 5). 1. Protection from t h e s t i n g of death (v. 4). We face, not the valley of death, but the valley of the shadow of death. Death holds no terror for the Chris­ tian, because it is but the passageway to Glory. Christ has removed the sting of death. The body may be destroyed, but the soul of the Christian lives on. Read 1 Corinthians 15:54-57. 2. Protection from terror (v. 4), “Thou art with me.” With this .verse consider the promise of comfort in Isaiah 41:10: and C h r i s t ’ s parting words, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). We cannot be overcome when He is with us tcf. Matt. 28:18). 3. Protection in the presence of en­ emies (v. 5). Commenting on this passage; C- H. Spurgeon said, “Nothing is hurried, there is no confusion, no disturbance; the enemy is at the door, and yet God prepares, a table, and the Christian sits down and eats as if everything were in perfect peace. Oh, the peace which Jehovah gives to His people, even in the midst of the most trying circumstances!” Read Isaiah 26:3, 4. III. ASSURANCE OF PRESERVATION (v. 6), Here is the steadfast hope of the church of Jesus Christ. We who have been bought by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ will be kept from falling. For the Leader 1. ' Emphasize the fact that only Chris­ tians can claim the Lord as their Shepherd. If we would claim Him as Shepherd, and enjoy His leading and the benefits thereof, we must pro­ claim Him Sayiour and Lord of our lives. 2 . A lady missionary w a s spending Christmas day as the only European in a Congo village in Africa. She

Does the Bible teach that the be­ liever also must be considerate of oth­ ers? Does it teach that man, under grace, can do as he pleases and pay no penalty? The Bible clearly shows that man is not a law unto himself: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). The Lord Jesus came and paid the ' full debt of all the law, and in Him we have redemption. We are thus free. However, we who are free from the exactments of the law of Moses are under a greater law—the law of Christ—and His law is the law of love. We desire to keep His commandments, not because we are compelled to do so, but because it is our chief desire to obey Him and to do those things which are written in His Word. Love is always the fulfilling of the law. For the Leader .É In orde? to make concrete and clear in every young person’s mind the car­ dinal ’ difference between the law of Moses and the gospel of grace, the leader might read the short verse found below which illustrates this les­ son. “ ‘Run, John, and live,’ the law com­ mands, > But gives me neither legs nor hands; Vet better news the gospel brings—• It bids me fly, and gives me wings.” 2 . An aged Scot told his minister that he was about to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. “And when I’m there,” said the pilgrim, “ I’ll read the Ten Commandments aloud frae the top o’ Mount Sinai.” The minister looked at him with an eye of pity and said, “Sandy, tak’ my advice: bide at hame and keep them.”—Twenty-five Hundred Be s t Modern Illustrations, by Hallock. MARCH 14; 1943 THE TWENTY -TH IRD PSALM : W H A T IT MEANS TO ME P salm 23 By James H. Christian Introduction How thankful we should be that the Twenty-third Psalm was written in thè Land of Promise, and not in our own land! In Palestine the shep­ herds lead their sheep, but in the West they often drive them. The Lord is not driving us, but is leading us. The world is being driven àt a furi­ ous pace by men who care only for themselves. The Shepherd of our lives is unique in every respect. The Lord does not urge ùs over untried ground, but leads Us in paths well known to Him. He

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The sv ---- a oi mass murder of Jews by the Nazis com­ puted in the millions were first thought to be fantastic. Now unmistakable p r o o . f shows that heartless cruelty has been understated.

A CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE These Jewish persecutions may he in God’s providence our opportunity to win them to Christ by showing through material help that we really care. This Society is how sending aid through Sweden to the starving Jews in Poland, many of whom are children. This help is in addition to our ministry among the two. and a half million Jews in New York C ity.including the care of He­ brew-Christian refugees. vTHE DIVINE IMPERATIVE “ Go rather to the lost sheep of the house o f Israel** (Matt. 10:6), is Christ’s com­ mand with impressive meaning today. If God prompts you to give, do it at once through this Society, founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers. Frederick A. Aston Read the progress of the work In our monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine.” Subscription, $1.00 per year. Sample copy, 10c. NEW YORK JEWISH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY ItlC, Rev. Curtis "Lee Laws, D.D., LL.D., President Rev. Frederick A. Aston, A.M.. Director 56 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y.

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