King's Business - 1943-02


February 1943

mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer” (Isa. 54:8). « II. BLESSINGS FOR THE REDEEMED. The K i n g of heaven opened His mouth a n d t a u g h t them saying, "Blessed . . As no other word can describe a nation subject to Him, so no other word can describe a life sub­ ject to Him. This word has no place in the tenets of. any man-made re­ ligion or philosophy. Though Israel must wait for the fullness of blessing, those who accept Christ as Redeemer- King may enjoy the blessed life now. They are blessed because He works in them the Christlike qualities of humility, sorrow for sin, meekness be­ fore God, desire f o r righteousness, mercy toward others, purity of heart, and rejoicing in persecution. As the colors of the rainbow blend into the light of day, so these noble qualities blend into the‘life hid with Christ in God. Believers are blessed because He es­ tablishes with them a special rela­ tionship: He is their God and they are His people. To them He offers His comfort, His righteousness, His mercy, and a great reward in heaven. “The blessing of the Lord,' it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22). , This life is ■ but a foretaste of the glory that shall be theirs in His pres­ ence. For the Leader A girl in Sunday-school had read the Beatitudes 4n Matthew, and was asked which of the things mentioned there she would like to have. She said, “ A pure heart.” When asked why she preferred that, she said, “ If my heart were pure, I believe I would have all the other virtues mentioned in this chapter.” And she was right —Selected. MARCH 28, 1943 THE LORD ’S PRAYER : W H A T IT MEANS TO ME M atthew 6:9-13 By Charles Girton Introduction God desires intelligent communica­ tion with His children. Thus we may expect this Model Prayer to include every element of Spirit-led praying. Our first lesson is this: We are to pray “ after this manner” (v. 9), not necessarily in these very words, for to do so would lead to a vain fruit­ less repetition. For Those Who Have Topics I. ‘>‘OUR FATHER” (Matt. 6:9). This verse proves to us that prayer is reasonable; it is conversation with our heavenly Father. If we have be­ come “the children of God by faith

was Without food at dinner time. Af* ter reading Psalm 23, she knelt at her bedside in the tiny one-room hut to pray. As she arose, out flew a little hen with a loud, “Tuck, Tuck, Tuck." For the first time the hen had laid an egg under the bed! When the Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want. —Selected. MARCH 21, 1943 THE BEAT ITUDES : W H A T THEY MEAN TO ME M atthew 5:3-12 By Geneva Kosher Introduction “ ‘In t h e Garden’ is my favorite song.” The speaker was a young man ytho had volunteered to drive the mis­ sionary girl’s car through miles of mud, and through a swollen creek in a rural district of Colorado. “What does it mean to you?” the missionary asked. The only answer was a startled look and then, “ I don’t know . . .” It is this way with many of our fa­ vorite songs and Bible passages, in­ cluding the Beatitudes. What did the Beatitudes mean to me? I didn’t know. It was just a passage children are instructed to memorize. What do the Beatitudes mean to me now? For Those Who Have Topics I BLESSINGS FOR RESTORED IS­ RAEL. The King of heaven opened His mouth and taught the people, saying, "Blessed . . No other word could describe a nation subject to Him—the Lord J e s u s C h r i s t T h i s word, “blessed,” has no place in the pre­ amble of any man-made constitution. But Israel rejected her King. The bless­ ings pronounced here must wait to be claimed, in their fullness, by those who accept Him as King upon His re­ turn in glory. Then the poor in spirit shall inherit the kingdom of heaven, for thus saith the Lord, “To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word” (Isa. 66:2). They that mourn shall be comforted. “ As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jérusalem” (Isa. 66:13). “And the ran­ somed of the Lord . . . shall obtain joy and gladness, and 'sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isa. 35:10). The meek shall inherit the earth, de­ lighting themselves in the abundance of peace, “For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for in­ iquity are cut off” (Isa. 29:20). “With everlasting kindness w i l l I h a v e

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