King's Business - 1943-02



in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3;26), how un­ reasonable it is, for us not to pray nor to expect an abundant answer to every prayer concerning our own and others’ welfare, and God’s own glory! (cf. Matt. 6:26-30;-2 Chron. 16:9). The first element in true prayer is worship. The words, “Hallowed be thy name,” sum Up the praise, adora­ tion, and reverence that fill our hearts when we lift them to our heavenly Father in prayer. When Moses ap­ proached the burning bush, he was told that he was on holy ground; and when we approach the throne of grace, we, too, are on holy ground. II. “THY WILL BE DONE” (v. 10). Christians in training for heaven should begin by doing God’s will on earth.. As we seek to do His will, not one of us will be denied the knowl­ edge of God’s complete will for us (Eph. 5:17). What God commands, He always enables one to do. Read Prov­ erbs 3:5, 6; Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Thes- salonians 4:3; 5:18, and Hebrews 13:20, 21, for some directions on how to know ,and do the will of God. F. B. Meyer’s recipe for knowing God’s will was this: “When plain teaching of God’s Word, the prompting of the Holy Spirit within, and the concurrence of daily events point to the same course,’ that is God’s will for you.” But in the prayer before' us we read, “Thy will be done," and the first requirement is a willingness, even a determination, to do the will of God. III. “ GIVE US” AND,“FORGIVE US” (vs. 11, 12). Asking for the supply of our daily needs ought to be the easiest petition for us to present in faith, because God has promised to supply them (Matt. 6:33). The rationally minded individ-

dal will say, “Why pray Tor that which •comes without our asking?” There are two reasons: First, prayer makes us grateful for that which we already have received; and, second, it reminds us that we are actually dependent up­ on God for all our daily supply. He controls all the elements which sup­ ply our material needs. One thing to note carefully in this prayer is that we ask only for actual necessities, for daily bread, not for c a k e and ice cream! (cf. Phil. 4:19—“need” ). . In asking: for forgiveness, we should say, “Help US to forgive others as com­ pletely and freely as Thou hast for­ given us.” This is the will of God for us (Eph. 4:32), and since we have already prayed, “Thy will be done,” we should be willing to ask God to forgive us only as we have forgiven others. IV. “LEAD US NOT . . . BUT DELIVER US” (v. 13). The term “ temptation” is used in the Bible in two ways: First, as an invitation to do evil, and second, as a means of testing or proving the indi­ vidual. God does not invite men to do evil (Jas. 1:13), He does test His peo­ ple. Read the following verses to see •something of the purpose and reward for enduring temptation in the sense of trial: Hebrews 12:11; James 1:3, 12; 1 Peter 1:6, 7. "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteheth” (Heb. 12:6). It IS our privilege to pray that those needs in our lives which require the chasten­ ing—the testing—m a y be Speedily brought into line with the will of God. Comfort is f o u n d in 1 Corinthians 10:13, where God promises to adjust the trial to our strength, and to make a final way of escape. This way is the Lord Jesus Christ. His present work includes the aiding of all thosc among His own who are in any trouble (Heb. 2:18; 4:15; Rom. 8:37). ror the Leader 1. Our prayer ends as it began, with worship. We have asked God to rule our wills, to supply our need, to for­ give our sins, and to keep us from evil. ' Only God’s power can effect this result, and the real purpose of- it. all must be to glorify God. To this end We were created anew in Christ Jesus (Isa. 43:7). 2 . “Why do men pray?” We might just as well ask, “Why do nightingales sing?” “Why does the eagle soar into the boundless blue?” The nightingale sings because it is made to sing. The eagle soars because its pinions were made for flight, and man prays be­ cause he was made to pray. “Teach us to pray”—that is just the cry of men who must have their instincts satisfied. Man was made to pray. —J. D. Jones in Prayer.

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