King's Business - 1943-02


February 1943

by her bed and poured out her heart, to God, beseeching Him to-stili the storm as He did in days of old, and to'bring therii safely into port. Again and a g a i n she raised her voic^in prayer while the only Answer seemed to be the fury of the storm without—and t h e n—a q u i e t little voice, “Mummy, Mummy—He—careth for you.” It was Mary Ann. Awakened from her sleep, she: repeated t h e s e words and then, fell asleep again. God had spoken to His trembling servant through the lips of her own little child. Peace flooded her soul as with joyful heart she thanked her heavenly Father for His faithful care. The next morning as the little fam­ ily gathered together, Mrs. BroWn re­ lated her experience of the night and of the wonderful way God had brought peace and comfort to her heart. » “But how did Mary Ann know that particular verse of Scripture?” Mrs. Brown asked of her husband, for al­ though Mary knew several verses, yet Mrs. Brown could not remember teach­ ing her this one. But before Mr. Brown could reply, Tom gave the answer—“The mission­ ary who spoke at the Sunday-school last Sunday taught us that verse.” What a woriderful heavenly Father to so guide His servants, even in the very use of His precious Word! And God used that Word, spoken by the missionary, and planted in the heart of a child, just when it was most needed. Later in the day, the boat safely slipped into San Francisco Harbor, and a few days later the B r o w n s reached-Seattle—and home. The faith­ ful God had cared for His own. —M. S. H.

YERA A ND A VERB [C on tinu ed from Page 54]

The Word— for the World God has raised up a new and vital movement for the giving of His W o r d to the unreached tribes in overlooked corners of the globe. The plan of action, as .e n v i s a ged- by the human founders, W. C. Townsend and the late L. L. Legters, was to have a linguistic institute in the United States where missionaries of any and all e v a n g e l i c a l boards might receive basic in­ struction in the sciences of lin­ guistics; and also to send forth workers into fields where gov­ ernmental or o t h e r restrictions .made it impossible, or extremely difficult, for ordinary missions to cope with the situation. F op further information abojit remarkable results w rite: Wydiffe Bible Translators, Inc Wm. G. Nyman, Secretary 1305 No. Louise St. Glendale, Calif. New K. Y.. B. C. Members BEMIDJI, MINN.: B etty Arm R oberts, (Mris, Glenn Roberts, parent). CASS LAKE , MINN.: Donna Anderson! Del Verna, Frank and M argaret E lliot: D ickie K arlin; M ildred H alvarson; Cecilia and Grace H ildreth; B etty, D oris and Fred K alla; Raym ond Sm ith1(Mrs. R ay Harlln, leader). . ’ ' . LONG BEACH, CALIF.: H obby B oyce; Dick McLeod (E stelle M. Lacy, teacher). OMAHA, NEB.: R obert Alurnan; Joan and Judy B riggs; Bonnie and P aula C ariv son; Marilyn P etersen: L aw rence fteeve; E lva R eeves (Mrs. J. A. Post, leader).

ing always to say, ‘Where He wants me, I will go,’ but I can tonight. My life is His, now that I have made Him completely mine;’' : She had spoken to the entire audi­ ence, feeling that she should say that word. But her eyes were on a certain bowed, dark head. She saw David start and look up, at her first word. Amazement, doubt, incredulous hope struggled in his face, arid as she finished she dared to look full at him and siriile. The joy that leaped to his eyes * told her- he had understood. Laughter was in her heart as she thought of a further surprise she had in store for David. What would he say when he learned that she had en­ rolled in a Spanish class as a founda­ tion for 'her work in South America! And then she forgot everything in her song. Joy and gratitude surged through her Voice as she sang; joy for the new revelation of Christ she had been given, thankfulness for the privi­ lege of serving Himr People marveled at the power in her voice, that night, but Tor the first time in her life Vera forgot to watch for the effect of her singing. It was' in the power of .the Holy Spirit that she sang. “You, have longed for sweet peace, and for faith to increase, And have earnestly, . fervently ,' prayed; But you cannot have rest, or be ' perfectly blest .Until all on the altar is laid. vis your all on the altar of. sacri- , fice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit con­ trol? You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul.” SIGN IFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 43] The Bible contains the plan of life which needs to be put into effect on all fronts. The s i m p l e Scriptural teachings of thrift, self-sacrifice, pa­ tience, forbearance, submission to con­ stituted authority, industry, h a r d work, self-denial—these Scriptural in­ structions add up to a master, over-all plan for victory. Our government cannot put these "principles into effect by legislation. The Spirit of God must put them into éffèct in the hearts and lives of a peo­ ple consecrated to. Him. JUN IOR K ING 'S BUSINESS [ Continued from Page 56] was thus spared the terror which such a storm would bring to her childish heart! But while Mary Ann slept, Mrs* Brown, her heart filled with fear, knelt

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