King's Business - 1943-02


February 1943

social order and securing a permanent peace than they are about having re­ vivals and seeing individuals con­ verted. We haven’t had a revival in this church for almost nineteen years. Am .1 right in believing that man­ made programs never will bring one,, and that church members that Clamor for the things; of the world have very little power with God as intercessors?”

of our churches are letting down on the amusement question... At M---------, where there are a lot qf soldiers, the --------- sponsors d a n c e s on Sunday afternoon and evening. The argu­ ment given by my pastor is that we are living in a different day now, and thèse things are all right and are necessary. Many of our ministers are more concerned about building a new

DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ‘ [C on tinu ed from Page 51] ten days : be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown o f life.” These; words were written . to the church at Smyrna. That church, of course, was a literal chürch in Asia, and e x a c t l y what was prophesied happened there. But, in a n o t h e r sense, the letters to the churches, re­ corded in Révélation, have a mes­ sage also for the church today. We know that this is true because of the injunction: ■“He that hath an ear, let him hear” (Rev. 2:7,11, etc.). Thus when God wrote to the c h u r c h at Smyrna, He was giving a message to all of us. The “ten days” suggest a little while. This expression, “ a lit­ tle while,” is found in John 16 and also in Hebrews. How we should thank.God that, for us who are His children through faith in Jesus Christ, all sorrows and difficulties can be only for “ a little while” ! of this country—what an awful thing it is to lose a boy, what an emptiness t h e r e is in your heart and in your home, what a gnawing loneliness c o m e s over you . . . Well, God lost a boy; He lost him when Adam sinned and the fellowship w i t h God was broken. And all the heartbreak since then is traceable to sin." Not only in that message, but also in others delivered the same day, hun­ dreds of young people and older ones as well heard the voice of the Saviour calling to them, and answered by yielding their lives to Him. The sight was heart-warming. The Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles feels a deep sense of gratitude to God for having had a small part in the training, in 1924 to 1926, of His dynamic servant, Percy Crawford. Through his vast radio ministry heard around the World, he is the Lord’s messenger to “thousands of hearers. Listen to him S u n d a y afternoons at 4:30 p. m. (E. W. T.) over the Mutual Broadcasting System. Pray for him. Thank God for his sane, Scriptural emphasis upon the realities of sin and salvation. “Please send me five extra copies of the January issue,” a mother in Wisconsin, wrote. “I am especially in­ terested in the article, ‘Dear Soldier,’ as my boy is now in the service, and those are my sentiments. “It is heart-rending to see how some AROUND THE K ING ’S TABLE [C on tinu ed from Page 42] A New Social Order— Or an Oldtime Revival?

Our Li terature Tab l e

"Some of the titles are: “Hold Your Tongue and Save a Quarrel/’ “Get Off your High Horse—You!re Heading for a tall,” “Be Sterling.” 113 pages. Zon- dervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00.

George Muller of Bristol By Arthur T. Pierson

When A. T. Pierson, himself as out­ standing a servant of Christ as was the man of whom he wrote, under­ took to set forth some of the bases for the L o r d ’ s remarkable use of George Muller’s life, he performed a service for Christian readers that has extended through the y e a r s . The present volume is a new edition of his work. It reveals some surpris­ ing aspects of Muller’s life. Muller was “ a giant in the earth in sim­ plicity, f a i t h , and obedience, and in b r e a t.h - taking accomplishment through prayer and the Word.” 462 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Sugar Creek Gang In School By Paul Hutchens Already well known as a writer of excellent Christian fiction for young people, Paul Hutchens has also be­ come popular with the Sugar •Creek Gang- stories for children. The pres­ ent book is the sixth in the series. Bill Collins tells the story about his fellow members in the gang: Big Jim, the leader, Little Jim, Dragonfly, Cir­ cus, Little Tom, and Poetry, w h o s e lamb not only went to school but also played the part of “ ghost” one night when the gang slept in a cave near a cemetery. This is a whole­ some, lively tale that both adults and boys and girls will like. There is a skillful interweaving of Christian truth. 80 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand, Rapids, Mich. Fabri- koid. .Price 50 cents. Practical Proverbs for Everyday Christian Living By C. Gordon Brownville Sermons preached by the pastor of the Tremont Temple Baptist Church, Boston, are here presented in eight chapters of Vital interest. All the messages are drawn from the book of Proverbs. They are, as the title of the book suggests, p r a c t i c a l . a n d adapted to everyday Christian living.

Spurgeon’s Sermon Notes Edited and Condensed by David Otis Fuller

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a master of the spoken and written word. Urged by his contemporaries to give preachers some help in ser­ mon outlines, Mr. Spurgeon complied. The result was a four-volume master­ piece. Concerning his sermon sug­ gestions, he wrote, “I have prepared these frameworks, not to encourage indolence,, but to help bewildered in­ dustry . . . I hope to lend a handful of chips and shavings,. . . to a broth­ er, with which he may kindle a. fire on his own hearth, and prepare food for his people.” Dr. Fuller has ably condensed Spurgeon’s work, .offering herewith outlines and illustrations on passages from each of the books of the Bible: 193 complete sermon out­ lines with almost 500. illustrations. Not only for preachers, but also for e v e r y one who studies and gives forth the Word, the book is a treas­ ure house. 337 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.95. Have YOU been wondering flOW to Encourage the People in your church t‘o greater zeal in witnessing for Christ— Beach More Non-Christians in your community with the Gospel— Economically Advertise your church as a Bible believing and Christ exalting church— , “THE HOME EVANGEL” Wi& ?dp ‘‘The Home Evangel” is an attractive four page monthly Scriptural variety tract presenting in five terse, well written messages the invitation of the Gospel. •• It is attractive yet dignified; timely; orthodox; varied in design and content. We print the name and announcements of your local church at the bottom of the back page. Price: $2.08 for the first 300 (the minimum order with imprint) and 36c for each additional 100. 60c per 100 without imprint. 36c for each additional 100. (Plus Postage). Bequest samples. COVENANT HOUSE

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