King's Business - 1943-02



. The Bible .

B NCE I was Invited by Dr. Otto von Strabe, Director of McDon­ ald Observatory at Mt. Locke, ■ Texas, to take a course in astronomical - studies because of work I had done in other fields of research. There were ■ possibly thirty-five or forty others in the group, many of them Jews, atheists, and men from various parts of the United States. After the closing ses- ' sion of the c o u r s e , the group as­ sembled on the roof garden of the neighboring puebio awaiting transpor­ tation. During this moment of wait­ ing, a well-known Jewish scientist said, “We have a preacher with us ■ .tonight. I don’t know what he is do-. ing here, but I think we ought to have ■ a sermon,” The crowd laughed and said, “Yes, give us a sermon.” Seeing in their jest an opening worth seizing, I arose, replying, “Yes, gentlemen, I will give you a sermon.” I reminded them of how we" had drawn a light beam’ from the constel­ lation of Hercules through the casing g r a d e mirror refracting its beams, breaking it through a g l a s s prism from which emanated the light of ‘the solar spectrum from the infra-red to the ultra-violet, which, last ray we could not perceive. Since ordinary glass is opaque to ultra-violet, we ex­ tracted this prism^and i n s e r t e d a quartz prism, through which the ultra­ violet beam passed and we ascer­ tained its presence by spectroscopic photography. The quàrtZ' prism ex­ cluded the other light rays. “ Gentlemen," I said, “you have been studying the universe through the glass prism of pure intellect. You have seen every ray but One.” Draw­ ing my New T e s t a m e n t from my pocket and holding it before them, I went on

the slum mission or in the university chair, and when such a heart is con­ fronted with the truth of God, we see responses amazing, encouraging. Let us hold forth this truth, that the healing ray from the Sun of righteous­ ness shall illumine the hearts and the minds of men. The questions w h i c h follow are typical of many which have been raised in the course of my travels and lectures among young people. I be­ lieve that many of them reveal a new and encouraging spirit of inquiry. Q. What do you r e ga rd as the greatest evangelistic opportunity to­ day? A. As far as my own experience is eoncerned, I regard the student con­ ferences and chapel hours afforded us in the assembly rooms of our high schools and colleges as the most fruit­ ful field for evangelism to^ay. While 16,000,000 youth profess no religion,

“This is the .quartz prism of faith through w h i c h the healing ray of God’s Spirit is seen. ‘Faith eometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of ,God,’ and we check its presence on the sensitive plate of our heart. His Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God.” For two hours we continued in a session^ as I kept on bringing to bear my testimony that the universe seen merely through the eyes of science is insufficient, but seen through the eyes of faith, in c l « d é s God’s revealed power. After I arrived at my home some days later, the expressman brought to the house a large package. Upon opening it, I discovered a wide selec­ tion of the finest scientific books in print, with a little note to the preacher from' “All of us—because of your mes­ sage.” The human heart is the same, no matter where we find it, whether in

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