Private Practice Growth Newsletter
INSIDE: • Why We Do What We Do • Group Call Schedule
• Breakthrough Win Spotlight • How To Get Support
Physical Therapy marketing to generate new patients and grow your practice.
Hello Breakthrough Owner,
Simply put - they own themedia. They position themselves as the first option for people with health problems and people in pain. You and I know that there’s a better way. There’s better outcomes and huge cost savings when people go to conservative care first.
A business friend outside of healthcare recently asked me this question. I suspect he recently read Simon Sinek’s Start with Why… Why do we do what we do here at Breakthrough (and frankly as Private Practice Owners)? Let’s start by looking at the current state of healthcare. The most up-to-date numbers (2019, show $3.8 trillion is spent on healthcare. That’s $11,582 in healthcare spend per person per year. That’s not health insurance or any other accounting trickery. That is healthcare expenditure. This number is growing exponentially every year. It’s estimated to exceed $6 trillion by 2030. You might be asking - “How does this stack up compared to what other countries are spending on healthcare?” We’re spending twice as much on healthcare when compared to any other country. “Well if we’re spending twice as much, we have to be healthier, right?” If we look at any significant vital metric that reflects the health of a population, such as mortality rates, depression rates, chronic disease, or anything similar, we’re not in the top 20 of any country in the world.
It’s important for Private Practice PTs to understand two things:
1 - We’re not the problem. We’re not the reason that healthcare costs are so high. We’re not the reason they’re going up. As amatter of fact, if we look at it, we’re the lowest cost provider. That means we provide the best outcomes, the best results at the most affordable cost. 2 - This problem isn’t going to get better unless we get better at marketing, unless we ourselves, conservative care providers, own the media. Years ago, this would have meant owning the newspaper, radio, and TV advertising. Today that means owning the media that’s being consumed the most. For most of us - that means online. This means going direct to the consumer, going direct to the public and getting patients before they start down the path of getting unnecessary surgeries or becoming addicted to painmedications. Now for most Private Practice PTs, we don’t havemulti-billion dollar marketing budgets. We’re not buying ads on the super bowl. We have to be smart, intelligent and scientific about howwe market and grow our business. There is an opportunity here to make things right; to help correct the system for future generations. What we do at Breakthrough is help growth minded, private practice owners who deliver the highest quality of care and are looking for ways to leave a bigger impact in their area by helping more people get back to normal naturally. We call this “Flipping the Pyramid”. This is the mission we are on…
Twice as expensive. Lousy results.
Doesn’t make sense, right? Why is our healthcare system so advanced and innovative, yet so ineffective? Let’s follow the money - where is that money being spent? If we look at where the money is going, 72% of that money goes towards medications, injections, surgery, and diagnostic imaging by way of physician services or hospital systems. Less than 10%goes to all conservative care. Only 2.6% of that amount goes towards physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech (what is referred to as allied health services)…combined. There’s a reason the majority of the money goes towards invasive technology and treatment.
What’s your purpose? Chad
OWNER IMPLEMENTATION CALLS • The 3rd Tuesday of each month • 12-1PM EST Registration Required
GROWTH X CALLS • The 4th Wednesday of each month for Staff • The 4th Thursday of each month for Owners • 12-12:30PM EST Registration Required
BREAKTHROUGH UNIVERSITY LIVE TRAINING CALLS • The 2nd Tuesday of each month • 1-2PM EST Registration Required
KILLER MARKETING CALLS • The 4th Tuesday of each month • 1-2PM EST Registration Required
Keep an eye on your email inbox for all applicable call invitations and virtual meeting registration information.
ANDREA HOESSEL, Vice President Of Public Relations – Marketing Columbus Physical Therapy, P.C. We had 45 NV [New Patients] last week, which was the company’s (3 locations) 4th highest of all time. We tied our last all-time company (3 locations) high with 629 PV [Patient Visits]. We did miss 1 conversion last week for our FC…we were 91% conversion (10/11)/ So far for 2021 (9 weeks), we are averaging over 50 more PV each week & 3.5 more NP each week as a company (3 locations).
Winners are: • Showcased in this Breakthrough Community Newsletter (which is mailed out each month to the entire Breakthrough Nation). • Celebrated on a Breakthrough internal Town Hall meeting. • The winner will also get printable Flip the Pyramid photo props to use with their team and/or next patient testimonial photo!
1. Post a win in the Breakthrough Inside Circle or PT Experts Facebook groups 2. Include “Breakthrough Win” or “win” anywhere in your post 3. Also include what made your win possible. What worked (and even what didn’t)? 4. We’ll email the winner every month.
With Breakthrough nation growing rapidly, as well as our Breakthrough operating team, we want to help layout the best ways to contact us in order to get support.
TECHNICAL/LOGISTICAL SUPPORT Portal help, program schedule, email notifications, billing, etc. Breakthrough University Subscription, Masters Courses (i.e. Killer Marketing), and Growth X Members should email
CONTENT SUPPORT Questions on content within your program’s modules, feedback, & PT advice. Post In Our Facebook Groups Breakthrough Inside Circle, Max Value, or PT Experts Facebook Groups
Visit events to sign up for future events.
Attend trainings from anywhere in the world from your computer, iPad, or smartphone. Most practice owners went to school to become a physical therapist and not a business owners. They spend years trying to “figure it out” and settle for a fraction of the success they truly deserve. When you sign up for an online training , you’re signing up to learn from private practice industry experts such as Chad Madden, Neil Trickett and Chris Reading. And you’ll have the opportunity to pick their brains and use their experience to fuel your insights! You can literally learn fromprivate practice experts with decades of experience for free, from your couch!
Achieve your COMT and earn CEU's as you learn manual treatments proven to increase patient outcomes and retention. Es t ab l i sh your c l i n i c as t he l eade r i n pa i n r e l i e f i n your r eg i on .
Two wa y s t o l e a r n : Host a course at your clinic: This is a great way for all of your staff to learn and bond together while eliminating travel costs. It ensures a consistent level of knowledge among staff, and allows them to use each other as resources as they implement their learnings.
Attend an upcoming course: If you or a couple staff members want to take a course, or you want to get a new staff member up to speed, attending a course at another clinic is the way to go. **Discounts offered to those who commit to hosting the four-course COMT Series**
March 13 & 14 - Advanced Spine; Monroe, LA April 9 & 10 - Cervicothoracic Two; Washington, PA April 17 & 18 - Lumbopelvic One; Charlottesville, PA May 1 & 2 - Cervicothoracic One; Harrisburg, PA (Madden PT) June 5 & 6 - Cervicothoracic Two; Quarryville, PA (Neff PT) June 26 & 27 - Lumbopelvic Two; Harrisburg, PA (Madden PT) September 17 & 18 - Lumbopelvic Two; Washington PA UPCOM I NG COURSES * C o u r s e s a r e a d d e d f r e q u e n t l y . C h e c k b r e a k t h r o u g h p t ma r k e t i n g . c om f o r mo s t c u r r e n t l i s t .
Con t ac t Abbe Kl e i n a t abbe@br eak t hroughp tma r ke t i ng . com
Hea r f r om owne r s !
“ B e s t t h i n g w e e v e r d i d w a s h a v e y o u r t e am c ome a n d p u t o u r t h e r a p i s t s t h r o u g h t h e w h o l e s e q u e n c e ! T h e y a r e s o p r o u d o f h o w t h e c e r t i f i c a t i o n i mp r o v e d t h e i r a b i l i t i e s t o a c h i e v e a m i r a c l e e v e r y s i n g l e v i s i t . " - C h r i s t i n a P a n e t t a
" B y f a r t h e g r e a t e s t c o n e d c o u r s e I ' v e t a k e n . N e v e r b e f o r e h a v e I b e e n g i v e n s u c h u s e f u l t e c h n i q u e s t h a t I c a n u s e t h e v e r y n e x t d a y " - C h r i s O s t l i n g
I h a v e b e e n a b l e t o p r o v i d e mo r e r a p i d i mp r o v eme n t i n p a t i e n t o u t c ome s w h i c h h a s h e l p e d d r a s t i c a l l y t o i mp r o v e p a t i e n t b u y - i n a n d h e l p e d t o i mp r o v e o v e r a l l p a t i e n t f u n c t i o n a l i mp r o v eme n t a n d r e t e n t i o n r a t e s . Wo u l d d e f i n i t e l y r e c omme n d t h i s g r o u p t o o t h e r t h e r a p i s t s l o o k i n g t o i mp r o v e p a t i e n t o u t c ome a n d h o n e t h e i r ma n u a l s k i l l s ! - C o r e y D a i l e y
Con t ac t Abbe Kl e i n a t abbe@br eak t hroughp tma r ke t i ng . com
® The New Wave of Patient Care and Practice Growth The Miracle Wave | The Best Advanced Technology for Faster Healing
The Miracle Wave ® Pressure Wave Therapy powered by Kinas Medical Technologies a non-invasive treatment that rapidly relieves chronic and acute musculoskeletal pain by sending high-peak acoustic pressure waves into injured tissue to:
• Promote soft tissue repair • Regenerate damaged cells • Accelerate the healing process
The Miracle Wave Pressure Wave Therapy utilizes advanced Acoustic Wave Technology (AWT) , also known as radial shock wave therapy (rESWT). This therapy has been used in Europe for decades and is now being recognized in the United States. AWT has proven to be effective for fast pain relief and lasting clinical results. In fact, research has shown its efficacy in treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
Benefits of The Miracle Wave and Its Team Advanced Swiss Technology: • Improves patient outcomes and compliance • Delivers fast pain relief — short treatment times • Improves mobility and function • Accelerates healing and recovery • Drives patient growth • Increases revenue First-Class Customer Service and Support: • Affordable leasing/purchasing options • User training and treatment protocols • Implementation/marketing strategies and support • Access to a network of healthcare practitioners sharing info and providing clinical support • Ongoing service and support The Miracle Wave® comes with solutions to help with some of the challenges facing practice owners: • Provide quality care to patients • Maximize treatment effectiveness • Increase staff efficiency • Increase and stabilize revenue Kinas Medical Technologies is family owned and operated, serving healthcare professionals for more than 20 years. We equip clinicians with progressive non-invasive shock wave technologies that accelerate healing and help you take your patient care and business success to the next level. At Kinas Medical, we believe in a well-rounded partnership – and that doesn’t stop at the sale. We understand that integrating a new therapy into your practice is the most important part of
Plantar Fasciopathy Study — After one year, 98% of patients successfully responded to treatment, and the one-year recurrence rate was 8%. 1 Lateral Epicondylitis Study — After 30 days, patients treated with AWT reported higher improvement in all parameters, concluding that AWT yielded superior results compared to classical physical therapies (including the use of NSAIDs and application of laser and ultrasound). 2 Post-Stroke Therapy Study — In a review published in Clinical Interventions of Aging involving 303 patients, AWT (including rESWT) proved to be an effective treatment in reducing muscle spasticity and improving motor recovery in post-stroke adults. 3 Tendinopathies and Shockwave Therapy Study — Vasileios Dedes, et al., showed that AWT (including rESWT) provided significant and lasting pain relief, increased functionality, and improved quality of life for plantar fasciitis, elbow, Achilles and rotator cuff tendinopathies. 4 1 BioMed Research International, 2016, Success and Recurrence Rate after Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Plantar Fasciopathy: A Retrospective Study 2 Current Health Sciences Journal, 2018, The Effectiveness of Shockwave Therapy in 3 Clin Interv Aging, 2020, Shock Waves as a Treatment Modality for Spasticity Reductionand Recovery Improvement in Post-Stroke Adults - Current Evidence and Patients with Lateral Epicondylitis
Qualitative Systematic Review
We invite you to experience the Kinas difference and see healing amplified TM . purchasing your new device, and that is why we partner with you to provide all the tools you need to be successful. Our top-tier equipment is rivaled only by our customer centric service, support and experienced staff. With Kinas Medical, you become part of our family—and inherit over 30 years of industry expertise.
4 Mater Sociomed., 2018 Jun; 30(2): 141-146, Effectiveness and Safety of Shockwave
Therapy inTendinopathies
The Leader in Shock Wave Technologies Since 2000
The Kinas Family Founder and Owner
© 2021 Kinas Medical Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Press Release
Long-established Provider of Shock Wave Technology Debuts Its New Company Name, Kinas Medical Technologies Atlanta, GA – Focus It and Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies (AMT) officially announce their new name, KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. A singular, unifying brand was needed to support the business’s recent growth, increased partnerships and multiple solutions within the human health and animal health industries. The new name replaces “Focus It” which was founded in 2000 for the animal health industry and “Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies (AMT)” which was founded shortly after with FDA approval of shock wave therapy for human health applications. KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES is now the singular brand with two divisions: Human Health and Animal Health, each with its own product lines. With 30 years of experience specializing in shock wave technologies, the team behind the family-owned and operated KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES will continue as a leader in the U.S shock wave industry providing personal support for the successful implementation of technologies in animal and human health. KINAS MEDICAL will continue to offer the highest quality products powered by STORZ MEDICAL, including the KINAS MEDICAL signature brand, The Miracle Wave® Line. Executive Statements Gerhard Kinas, Founder and Chief Executive Officer - “We are excited to see how the U.S. market has expanded in our last 20 years and delighted to evolve and grow with it as KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. As a family owned and operated business, it is the dedication to our core values and a customer-centric focus that brought us this far and will carry us forward as we continue delivering superior products, services, and support to our partners. With the flexibility and support of a family business and the resources and product standards usually found with large suppliers - our new branding offers partners a clear indication of the level of technology and service to expect under one trusted family name.” Merri-Edna Milano Kinas, Chief Operating Officer - “Developing a rapport within our industry requires clarity and trust in the products and support we provide. Using a singular company brand offers partners the security of knowing exactly who is providing the product, support, and information they need, as well as delivering high-quality standards that the Kinas family is known for. The KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES name encapsulates the trusted team of real people behind the business and reflects our passion in providing innovative, noninvasive technology that amplifies healing. A Solid Foundation for Future Growth KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES represents the foundation of 30 years of shock wave expertise built with the FOCUS IT and Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies brands. Founder and CEO, Gerhard Kinas has been involved with shock wave therapy research, expansion, and evolution since the early 1990s. Born and educated in Germany – which is considered the birthplace of shock wave technology – Kinas holds a degree in medical technology. He began his career at STORZ MEDICAL AG, a Swiss shock wave technology manufacturing company that is well-known for its research, development, and expansion of shock wave therapy technology - its applications and benefits. In 2000, Kinas founded a shock wave technology-based company for animal health called FOCUS IT, and later added Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies for human health with the FDA approval of shock wave therapy for human application. Today, the Kinas family and dedicated staff serve more than 1,000 shockwave therapy practitioners across 48 states. These practitioners have expanded in variety, too: KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES works with athletic trainers, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, medical doctors, veterinarians, and other animal and human healthcare-related providers that are looking to provide a non-invasive, clinically proven, and cost-effective solution for their patients and practices. As previously mentioned, KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES is now the singular brand with two divisions: Human Health and Animal Health, each with its own product lines. Company websites, product literature and all media profiles signify this change, and offers instant recognition for partners looking for a proven and trusted resource in shock wave technology.
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