BreakthroughPTMarketing: Why We Do What We Do


Achieve your COMT and earn CEU's as you learn manual treatments proven to increase patient outcomes and retention. Es t ab l i sh your c l i n i c as t he l eade r i n pa i n r e l i e f i n your r eg i on .

Two wa y s t o l e a r n : Host a course at your clinic: This is a great way for all of your staff to learn and bond together while eliminating travel costs. It ensures a consistent level of knowledge among staff, and allows them to use each other as resources as they implement their learnings.

Attend an upcoming course: If you or a couple staff members want to take a course, or you want to get a new staff member up to speed, attending a course at another clinic is the way to go. **Discounts offered to those who commit to hosting the four-course COMT Series**

March 13 & 14 - Advanced Spine; Monroe, LA April 9 & 10 - Cervicothoracic Two; Washington, PA April 17 & 18 - Lumbopelvic One; Charlottesville, PA May 1 & 2 - Cervicothoracic One; Harrisburg, PA (Madden PT) June 5 & 6 - Cervicothoracic Two; Quarryville, PA (Neff PT) June 26 & 27 - Lumbopelvic Two; Harrisburg, PA (Madden PT) September 17 & 18 - Lumbopelvic Two; Washington PA UPCOM I NG COURSES * C o u r s e s a r e a d d e d f r e q u e n t l y . C h e c k b r e a k t h r o u g h p t ma r k e t i n g . c om f o r mo s t c u r r e n t l i s t .


Con t ac t Abbe Kl e i n a t abbe@br eak t hroughp tma r ke t i ng . com

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