Avenues_Is Back Pain Slowing You Down

Patient Success Spotlights

“I came in with severe sciatic nerve pain. After a regimen of stretching exercises and strengthening exercises, I was relieved of the horrible pain I was experiencing. I worked every day to reach my goal, and I probably would not have reached it if it weren’t for the clear instructions and guidance my therapist, Linda, had prepared me with. I owe her a great deal of gratitude for her knowledge and professionalism that made it possible for me to achieve my goal. Thank you.” - Anthony Quintana I was relieved of the horrible pain I was experiencing!

“Ihaddoubleknee replacementsurgery inJuneof thisyear inFortCollins, Colorado. It has been my preference to have the follow-up therapy in Cheyenne after my release. I spent a few hours “shopping” for the right place that I felt would fit my needs, since I am a senior and was looking for a clinic near my home. AvenuesTherapy Clinic was the second place I visited and I made my decision then and there that it would work out best for me. My son-in-law had been a patient there several years ago after having rotator cuff surgery, and he thought I should “check it out.” I was impressed with the cleanliness of the operation and the friendly and gracious manner in which I was treated. The information I needed to have as a patient was forthcoming so I made my decision that day to do my therapy at Avenues Therapy Clinic. When unexpected complications necessitated my stay in Colorado to become two weeks instead of four days, I had no difficulty arranging a change in my starting date for my rehab in Cheyenne. AvenuesTherapy Clinic management cheerfully accommodated me so that I could begin my treatment the day after I returned to my home. I feel I was fortunate to have Walynn Smith as my main therapist. His expertise in his field was unmistakable, and I found he has a tremendous amount of patience in dealing with his clients. He challenged me on follow-through points he outlines and has the ability to motivate one to attempt what they might think is impossible. When my progress seemed slow at times and my walking somewhat clumsy, Walynn would have something humorous to say that would snap me back “in shape.” I have to say that during my rehab period, I looked forward to each session and now that I have completed my therapy, I feel more motivated than before to participate in these exercises at home. When Walynn gave me my measurement numbers at our last session and reinforced that they had met the requirements of my surgeon, I was delighted! Obviously I was just where I needed to be in recovery. Choosing Avenues Therapy Clinic was the right decision for me and I would encourage other surgical patients from Cheyenne to consider this outstanding facility for their aftercare.” - Virginia Phillippi I was just where I needed to be in recovery!

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain. Print sudoku http://1sudoku.com

SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by the finger tips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. Strengthens Lower Back www.simpleset.net 3 8 1 3 7 5 4 7 9 2

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