Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
KAPETAN Dragan Peskarević odgovara Captain Dragan Peskarević responds
P ored veštine i talenta, čovek mora mnogo da voli letenje. Možda zvuči romantično kada to izgovori jedan kapetan, ali bez toga stvarno niko ne može da se razvije u dobrog pilota. Pilot mora da bude hrabar, odlučan i predan poslu. Mora da bude spreman na odricanja, jer ovo zanimanje zahteva konstantno učenje, a i podrazumeva stalne pro- vere znanja i psihofizičkog zdravlja. Dakle, nema rutine i uljuljkanosti. Pilot je odgovaran za bezbednost posade, putnika i robe, kao i za sam vazduhoplov. Takođe, dužan je da skupi celokupnu dokumentaciju koja ukazuje na tehničku ispravnost letelice. Pilot mora detaljno da prove- ri i vremenske prilike, a potom i da prođe kroz ostale zah- tevne procedure odobrenja i plan leta. Svako ima svoj put, ali moj je izgledao ovako… Negde pred kraj osnovne škole poželeo sam da postanem pilot. Upisao sam Srednju tehničku školu Petar Drapšin , vazdu- hoplovni smer. Tokom srednje škole i prakse na Aerodro- mu Beograd u nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji susretao sam se s avionima i pilotima. Ljubav prema avijaciji postaja- la je sve veća. Nakon srednje škole služio sam vojsku u Zagrebu, na aerodromu Pleso, gde sam takođe imao pri- like da se susretnem s avijacijom, doduše malo drugači- jom. Posle toga sam upisao Jatovu pilotsku akademiju u Vršcu. Nakon prvog samostalnog leta shvatio sam da je to poziv kojim želim da se bavim. Akademiju sam zavr- šio 1994, a pilotskim poslom bavim se od 1998. Kada sam počinjao, bila su teška vremena. Krenuo sam od privred- ne avijacije zbog smanjenog obima saobraćaja i sankcija, a onda polako, preko mesta kopilota na avionima ATR-72 i boing 737, došao sam do dužnosti kapetana u Er Srbija.
I n addition to skills and talent, one must love to fly a lot. It may sound romantic for a captain to say this, but without that no one can really develop into a good pilot. A pilot must be brave, decisive and committed to the job. He must be willing to make sacrifices, because this profes- sion requires constant learning, and also involves continuo- us assessments of knowledge and psychological and physical health. Thus, there are no routines and lulls. A pilot is respon- sible for the safety of the crew, passengers and cargo, as well as for the aircraft itself. Likewise, he is also obliged to collect the entire documentation indicating the technical soundne- ss of the aircraft. A pilot must also make a thorough check of the weather conditions, and then pass through other deman- ding approval procedures and the flight plan. Everyone has their own path, but mine looked like this ... Somewhere towards the end of primary school I wanted to be- come a pilot. I enrolled in the Petar Drapšin Secondary Tech- nical School, aerospace department. During high school and work experience practice at the Belgrade Airport in the nati- onal airline I got to know planes and pilots. My love for avia- tion became ever greater. After high school I served in the army in Zagreb at Pleso Airport, where I also had the oppor- tunity to get acquainted with aviation, albeit in a slightly di- fferent way. After that I enrolled in the JAT Flight Academy in Vršac. After my first solo flight I realised that this was the ca- lling I wanted to pursue. I completed the academy in 1994 and have been doing the job of a pilot since 1998. When I started times were difficult. I set off from commercial aviation due to the reduced volume of traffic and sanctions, and then slowly advanced via the position of co-pilot on ATR-72 and Boeing 737 on board to reach the duties of a captain at Air Serbia.
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