Gosti će uživati u vodećim kabinama nove generacije Guests will enjoy the leading cabins
of the latest generation
N ajsavremeniji avion Etihad ervejza, boing 787-9 drimlajner , prvi put je leteo iz Abu Dabija za Kinu i sleteo u Šangaj. Avion drimlajner karak- terišu nove kabine ekonomske i biznis klase i ima ukupno 299 sedišta, 28 u biznis klasi i 271 u ekonomskoj, što predstavlja povećanje kapaciteta od 14 odsto na ovoj liniji. Studio apartmani u biznis klasi pru- žaju direktan pristup prolazu, potpu- no ravan krevet dužine 204 cm i za 20 odsto više ličnog prostora. Sedišta u studijima opremljena su sistemom za masažu i pneumatskom kontrolom. A state-of-the-art Etihad Airways Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner touched down from Abu Dhabi on its first flight into China last month. The new Dreamliner features the airline’s next-generation business and economy class cabins, and will operate with 299 seats, 28 in Business class and 271 in economy, represen- ting a 14 per cent capacity increase on the route. Business Studios offer direct aisle access, a fully-flat bed of up to 80.5 inc- hes long, and an increase of 20 per cent in personal space. Studio is equipped
Svaki studio u biznis klasi je opremljen 18-inčnim ličnim TV ekranom osetlji- vim na dodir i slušalicama koje anuli- raju buku. Gosti biznis klase mogu da biraju između tri glavna obroka na me- niju, uz opciju obedovanja po izboru za Putnicima na letu su na raspolaganju poseban menadžer za hranu i piće, multinacionalna kabinska posada i prepoznatljive leteće dadilje with an in-seat massage and pneuma- tic cushion control system. Each Busi- ness Studio has an 18-inch personal to- uch-screen TV with noise-cancelling headsets. Business guests can also cho- ose between three main courses on the Passengers on board have access to a dedicated food and beverage manager, a multi-national crew and the airline’s well known Flying Nannies
one putnike koji žele veću mogućnost izbora jela. Putnicima na letu su na ras- polaganju poseban menadžer za hra- nu i piće, multinacionalna kabinska po- sada i prepoznatljive leteće dadilje, koje pomažu roditeljima koji putuju sa ma- lom decom. Putnicima ekonomske klase pamet- na sedišta (Smart Seat) pružaju veći komfor jedinstvenim fixed wing naslo- nom za glavu, prilagodljivom lumbal- nom podrškom, širinom sedišta od go- tovo 50 cm i 11,1-inčnim TV ekranom na svakom sedištu. menu, with a dine-on-demand option for travellers who wish to choose when to eat. Passengers on board have acce- ss to a dedicated food and beverage ma- nager, a multi-national crew and the air- line’s well known Flying Nannies, who provide assistance to parents travelling with young children. For economy passengers, the air- line’s Smart Seats provide enhanced comfort with a unique ‘fixed wing’ he- adrest, adjustable lumbar support, a seat width of approximately 19 inches and an 11.1” personal TV monitor on each seat.
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