Er Berlin / Air Berlin
U okviru svog strateš- kog prestrojavanja, Er Berlin od ove godine uvodi biznis klasu na nemačkim i evropskim letovima i nudi isti doživljaj na kratkim, srednjim i dugim putovanji- ma. Prvi red u kabini rezer- visan je za putnike u biznis klasi. Osim u ekskluzivnim uslugama, putnici ce uživa- ti i u mnogo većem prosto- ru za noge, koji za 32 inča (81 cm) prevazilazi evrop- ske standarde u biznis kla- si. Sledeca ključna karakte- ristika nove biznis klase je garantovano prazno sred- nje sedište, koje obezbeđu-
S tarting this year as part of its strategic realignment, airberlin is introducing Business Class to German and European flights and will therefore offer a consistent product experience on short, medium and long-haul flights. The first row in the ca- bin is reserved for Busi- ness Class passengers. In addition to exclusive ser- vice, passengers will then enjoy particularly genero- us legroom, which at 32 in- ches (81 cm) exceeds the European Business Class standard. A further key fe-
je ekskluzivnost i više lič- nog prostora. U avionu će posada pružiti ličnu dobro- došlicu putnicima biznis klase i biće im posluženo pice dobrodošlice. Putnici zatim mogu da izaberu ne- što od hrane i pica a la kard iz bogatog menija. Svaki putnik dobija jastuk za do- datnu udobnost. Dva prt- ljaga težine do 32 kg, kao i dva ručna prtljaga težine do 8 kg, uključeni su u cenu karte za biznis klasu. Pot- puno fleksibilne karte za biznis klasu se mogu pono- vo bukirati ili biti vracene bez dodatnih troškova.
ature of the new Busine- ss Class is the guaranteed empty middle seat, which provides a particular amo- unt of exclusivity and per- sonal space. On board, the crew will give Business Class passengers a perso- nal welcome and will ser- ve a complementary drink. Passengers can then cho- ose food and beverages ‘à la carte’ from the extensive on-board menu. Each pas- senger is provided with a pillow for additional com- fort. The completely flexi- ble Business Class tickets can be rebooked or refun- ded at no additional cost. and is reachable by calling the existing call centre number on 439 1000 or sending an email to callcentre@airseychelles. com. The airline’s Seyc- hellois call centre agents are fluent in English, French and Creole and have been trained to assist residents of Seychelles. NEW CALL CENTRE Air Seychelles
Er Sejšels
E r Sejšels, nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Sejšeli, otvorila je pozivni centar na Sejšelima kako bi omogucila bolju podršku svojim gostima u arhipelagu. Novi centar ce ra- diti od 6 do 23 svakog dana u nedelji, uključujuci i državne praznike, i bice dostupan pozivom na postojeci broj
pozivnog centra 439 1000 ili slanjem imejla na callcen- Operateri pozivnog centra avio-kompanije sa Sejšela tečno govore engleski, francuski i kreolski i obučeni su da pomognu stanovnici- ma Sejšela u vezi sa putovanjem kompanijom Er Sejšels.
A ir Seychelles, the national airline of the Republic of Seychelles, has opened a new call centre in Seychelles to provide better support to its guests in the archipelago. The new facility will operate between 6am and 11pm every day of the week, including public holidays,
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