U slavu pozorišta / The glory of the theatre
MIRA TRAILOVIĆ Mira Trailović, jedan je od osnivača, a potom i dugogodišnji upravnik Ateljea 212. Diplomirala je režiju u Beogradu, a kasnije je na istom tom fakultetu bila profesor. Zajedno sa Jovanom Ćirilovim 1967. je osnovala Bitef. Svojim beskrajnim šarmom i prodornošću, talentom za ubeđivanje, na Festival je dovodila najavangardnija i najpoznatija pozorišta i predstave. Dobila je najviša francuska odlikovanja. Iz milošte su je zvali „buldožer u bundi“.
JOVAN ĆIRILOV Jovan Ćirilov bio je srpski
teatrolog, dramaturg, pozorišni reditelj, dramski pisac, pesnik, romansijer, putopisac, scenarista, esejista, publicista, leksikograf, antologičar, prevodilac. Čitav život posvetio je teatru. Godine 1985. postavljen je za upravnika Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta i na tom položaju ostao je sve do penzionisanja 1999. godine. Bio je umetnički direktor i selektor Bitefa do kraja svog života. MIRA TRAILOVIĆ Mira Trailović is one of the founders and subsequently a longtime director of Atelje 212. She graduated in theatre direction in Belgrade, later working as a professor at the same university. Together with Jovan Ćirilov she founded Bitef in 1967. With her endless charm and acuteness, and talent for persuasion, she brought to Bitef the most famous avant-garde theatres and plays. She was affectionately called “the bulldozer in a fur coat”. JOVAN ĆIRILOV Jovan Ćirilov was a Serbian theatre expert, dramaturg, theatre director, playwright, poet, novelist, travel writer, screenwriter, essayist, publicist, lexicographer, anthologist and translator. He devoted his entire life to the theatre. In 1985 he was appointed director of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre and he remained in that position until his retirement in 1999. He founded Bitef and was its art director and selector until the end of his life.
Mira i Jovan osnovali su Bitef davne 1967. godine Mira and Jovan founded Bitef in 1967.
vogodišnji, 50. Bitef igra- će se pod sloganom „Na leđima mahnitog bika“. Većina predstava baviće se izbeglicama, zatvara-
This year’s 50 th Bitef will be performed under the slogan “On the back of the raging bull”. Most of the plays will deal with refugees, border closures and the raising of walls. In days when such themes dominate, and the world is ruled by suspicion and fear, it is cathar- tic to remind ourselves of the times when the Belgrade International Theatre Festival originated and the series of its golden years, when pe- ople discovered freedom, were per- sonally and artistically brave and wanted to get to know others and those who were different . Bitef was the place where those who were previously forced to look at each other over barbed wire met and recognised each other. There in Belgrade, in Atelier 212, the Na- tional Theatre, the Yugoslav Dra- ma Theatre, the Fairgrounds, Bel- grade halls and newly discovered
njem granica i podizanjem zidova. U danima kada dominiraju ovakve teme, a svetom caruju podozrenje i strah, lekovito je setiti se vreme- na kada je nastao Beogradski in- ternacionalni teatarski festival i niza njegovih zlatnih godina, kada su ljudi otkrivali slobodu, bili lično i umetnički hrabri i želeli da upo- znaju drugo i drugačije. Bitef je bio mesto na kome su se susretali i prepoznavali oni koji su do tada terani da se gleda- ju preko bodljikave žice. Tu pak u Beogradu, u Ateljeu, Narod- nom, JDP-u, po Sajmu, beograd- skim halama i novootkrivenim prašnjavim prostorima gledaju se i međusobno dive svakog sep-
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