tembra alternativa sa Istoka – Ježi Grotovski, Jirži Mencl, Oto- mar Krejča, Georgij Tovstonogov, Jurij Ljubimov, i ona sa Zapa- da – Klaus Pejman, Euđenio Bar- ba, Elen Stjuart, Peter Štajn, Piter Bruk, Robert Vilson, Tadeuš Kan- tor, Roberto Ćuli, Johan Kresnik… Nemci, Francuzi i Amerikanci bili su zagledani u mističnost i pa- tetiku Istoka, genijalni Rusi, Česi i Poljaci u šarenilo i slobodu koja je nahrupila sa Zapada, ne znaju- ći da i ona ima cenu. Ali na Bite- fu, u Beogradu, prvi put su se sreli u umetničkoj radosti. Na ulicama, kafanama i u čuvenom bifeu Ate- ljea 212. Naravno, alfa i ome-
dusty areas, each September wat- ching and admiring one another were alternatives from the East - Jerzy Grotowski, Jiri Menzel, Oto- mar Krejča, Georgy Tovstonogov, Yuri Lyubimov - and those from the West - Claus Peymann, Euge- nio Barba, Ellen Stewart, Peter Ste- in, Peter Brook, Robert Wilson, Tadeusz Kantor, Roberto Ciulli, Jo- hann Kresnik et al. Germans, French and Ameri- cans were looking at the mystery and pathos of the East, while inge- nious Russians, Czechs and Poles ogled the colourfulness and free- dom that surged from the West, not knowing that it also had its price.
Svojim beskrajnim šarmom i prodornošću na Festival su dovodili najavangardnije i najpoznatije predstave With endless charm and acuteness they brought to Bitef the most famous avant-garde plays
But at Bitef, in Belgrade, they met in artistic joy for the first time - on the streets and in the inns of Belgrade, and in the famous buffet of Ate- lier 212. Of course, the alp- ha and omega of Bitef were Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov, a whir- lwind duo, who – with a lucky merging of chara- cter, knowledge and ar- tistic sensibility – crea- ted the most important artistic festival in the Balkans back in 1967. Their willingness for such an endeavour co- incided with the mo- ment when the leader- ship of the Yugoslavia started to be concerned about their reputation beyond the borders of the country and did not shy away from demon- strating how capable they were of enjoyment. The party could start
At the third Bitef, in 1969, for the first time, just three steps from the audience – naked bodies of the actors were seen, in Euripides’ Bacchae Na trećem Bitefu 1969. prvi put su, na tri koraka od publike, viđena naga tela glumaca, u Euripidovim Bakhama
ga Bitefa bili su Mira Trailović i Jovan Ći- rilov, uraganski dvo- jac koji je srećnim spo- jem karaktera, znanja i umetničke senzibilno- sti te 1967. stvorio naj- važniji umetnički festi- val na Balkanu. Njihova spremnost za ovakav poduhvat poklopila se s trenutkom kada držav- ni vrh počinje da bri- ne o reputaciji van gra- nica zemlje i ne stidi se da pokaže kako ume da uživa. Žurka u Beogra- du mogla je da počne, žurka na koju su pozi- vani najznačajniji ljudi pozorišnog sveta Evro- pe, Amerike, Rusije, Bli- skog istoka… I rado su dolazili. Vera Konjović, prevodilac i uredni- ca Bitefa na filmu, i po- slednja iz originalne postavke Bitefa, kaže da je „između Mire i Jova- na bio veliki cirkus“.
Ni najveći glumci sveta nisu propuštali pozorišnu zabavu u Beogradu The greatest actors didn’t want to miss the Belgrade theatre party
in Belgrade, a party with invitati- ons for the most important people from the theatrical world in Euro- pe, America, Russia, the Middle East... And they gladly came. Vera Konjović, translator and editor of “Bitef on film”, and the last surviving member of the ori- ginal Bitef crew, says that “the- re was a big circus between Mira and Jovan”. - They had heated discussi- ons before and during the festi- val, and they were so ferocious that my mother always waited
– Pre i tokom festivala se raz- govaralo i dogovaralo i to je bilo tako burno između njih dvoje da me je mama uvek čekala budna i nestrpljivo govorila: „Pričaj!“ Jed- nom je Jovan hteo da se baci s prozora, jedva smo ga skinuli, a drugi put je bio toliko izbezumljen da je Miri rekao: „Ali, mama!“ Dramatično je bilo na scena- ma, na ulicama, iza kulisa, tokom festivalskih dana. Na trećem Bite- fu 1969. su, recimo, prvi put, i to na tri koraka od publike, viđena naga
Najveći pisci uvek uz Bitef: Danilo Kiš i Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz Bitef always attracted the best writers, Danilo Kiš and Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz
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