ožete li da zamislite tenisku se- zonu bez Vimbldona? Kakva bi bila filmska industrija bez Kan- skog festivala? Na kraju krajeva, kakve bi to trke u Americi bile
slednji krug na trci te godine… Posled- nja scena i naziv filma jedina su prava veza sa auto-motodromom, ali sasvim dovoljna da gradić i stazu nadomak Mi- lana smatramo svojima. Čak i ako ne volite Formulu 1… Zbog Gage i njego- vog Urketa… Zato teško padaju glasine prema kojima Berni Eklston i ekipa oko For- mule 1 razmatraju mogućnost da po isteku sezone 2016. godine ne produže
kad ne bi bilo jurnjave po čuvenom ova- lu u Indijanapolisu? Monca je srce i duša Formule 1, pa je teško zamisliti kako bi ovaj šampionat izgledao bez Velike na- grade Italije na stazi nadomak Milana. Od prve trke davne 1950. Monca je
svedočila neverovatnom bro- ju istorijskih momenata, ču- venim pobedama i jezivim sudarima. Među ljubiteljima Formule 1 poznata je kao La pista magika , magična trka, pa nije čudo što najave da se ovog septembra tu mož- da vozi poslednja trka najbr-
ugovor sa vlasnicima staze, već da Veliku nagradu Italije presele na neko drugo mesto. Da li će trka za novcem po- novo pobediti ljubav i strast? Sve zvuči prilično apokalip- tično, ali da biste razumeli o čemu je reč, morate da voli- te Formulu 1, a pre svega – da
Preko 70 odsto čitavog kruga u Monci vozi se punim gasom
žeg cirkusa na svetu kod ljubitelja spor- ta izazivaju strah, očajanje i nevericu. Kad se pomene Monca, u ovim na- šim krajevima postanemo dodatno sen- timentalni ne samo zbog same staze i trke Formule 1 već i zbog sećanja na Dragana Nikolića i jednu od njegovih nezaboravnih uloga. Urke, nemirni de- čak sa beogradskog asfalta, završio je život u prolazu čuvene staze u Monci dok su Ajerton Sena i kolege vrteli po- Can you imagine a tennis sea- son without Wimbledon? What would the film industry be like without the Cannes Film Festival? In the end, what would racing in America be like if the- re was no whizzing around the famous oval at Indianapolis? Monza is the he- art and soul of Formula One, so it is dif- ficult to imagine what this champions-
osetite Moncu.
Ovaj komad asfalta se ugnezdio u prelepom parku nadomak poznate Kra- ljevske vile u Via le Briaca i ostao go- tovo nepromenjen od samog nastanka Formule (sama staza je starija). Sportske priče i ljudske tragedije ostale su upi- sane u vremenu, utkane u razvoj auto- mobilskog sporta kakav danas poznaje- mo, ali su doprinele i uzdizanju legende o stazi u Monci, koja je jedan od hramo- because of our memory of Dragan Niko- lić and one of his most memorable ro- les. Urke, a restless boy from the streets of Belgrade, ended his life while driving the famous track at Monza, while Ayrton Senna and his colleagues rounded the last lap in the race that year ... The last scene of the film and its name are the only real connections with the auto cir-
hip would look like without the Italian Grand Prix on the track near Milan. From the first race way back in 1950, Monza has wit- nessed an incredible num- ber of historical moments, famous victories and horri- fic collisions. Among fans of Formula one it is known as
cuit, but that’s quite enough for us to consider the small town near Milan and the cir- cuit our own. Even if you don’t like Formula one... For Gaga and his Urke... That’s why it’s difficult to accept the rumours that Ber- nie Ecclestone and the For- mula One team are conside-
Over 70 per cent of the entire circuit at Monza is driven at full throttle
Berni Eklston i ekipa oko Formule 1 razmatraju mogućnost da po isteku sezone 2016. godine Veliku nagradu Italije presele na neko drugo mesto… Bernie Ecclestone and the Formula One team are considering the possibility of moving the Italian Grand Prix to another venue after the 2016 season...
“La pista magica”, the magical circuit, so it is no wonder that the announcement that this September the last race could perhaps be driven at “the world’s fastest circus” caused fear, despair and disbelief among sports lovers... When you mention Monza in these parts of ours we become even more sen- timental, not only because of the track itself and the Formula one race, but also
ring the possibility of not extending the contract with the owners of the track af- ter the end of the 2016 season, but rather moving the Italian Grand Prix to ano- ther location. Will the race for money again prove victorious over love and pa- ssion? It all sounds pretty apocalyptic, but in order to understand what it’s all about you have to love Formula one and, above all, to feel Monza.
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