va modernog automobilizma. Ona je predmet sna najzagriženijih fa- nova, koji maštaju da barem jed- nom budu deo reke tifoza koja se po završetku Velike nagrade sliva ka podnožju pobedničkog posto- lja, kako bi pozdravila najbolje au- tomobiliste sveta. Staza u Monci je impresivan objekat, a utisak o njegovoj veliči- ni najbolje može da se stekne ako ste dovoljno srećni da zakorači- te na nju. Strahopoštovanje izazi- va sam korak na sredini startnog pravca. Njega pravite izlazeći iz restorana u kojem je nekad sedeo i veliki komendatore Enco Ferari i, kad se nađete na tom debelom, poroznom asfaltu, pogledate de- sno ka čuvenoj krivini Parabolika, a potom levo ka današnjoj formi šikane koja se odavno zove retifi- ljo. I – ne vidite ih! I onda shvatite da neustrašivi piloti u svojim boli- dima pravac dugačak 1.120 metara pređu za samo nekoliko sekundi, razvijajući pritom brzine i preko 350 kilometara na čas! Oni žude za takvim izazovima, a publika voli da ih u tim naporima bodri, radujući se prilici da bude svedok događaja koji u najboljem svetlu prikazuje napredak tehnike… Formula 1 je, međutim, odavno prevazišla te okvire, pa su milioni i milijarde zelenih novčanica jedino merilo koje odlučuje gde će se vo- ziti gran-pri. Pa makar ako to znači da će Monca otići u istoriju… towards today’s form of “chicanes” that have long been called “Retti- filo”. And - you cannot see them! And then you realise that intre- pid pilots in their vehicles pass in that direction for a distance of 1,120 metres in just a few seconds, reaching speeds of over 350 kilo- metres per hour. They yearn for such challenges, and the audien- ce loves to cheer for them in tho- se efforts, rejoicing in the oppor- tunity to witness events that show the progress of technology in the best light... Formula One, however, has long since exceeded these frames, such that millions and billions of dollars are the only measure that determines where the Grand Prix will be driven. Even if that means that Monza will be consigned to the history books...
Od prve trke davne 1950. Monca je svedočila neverovatnom broju istorijskih momenata From the first race way back in 1950, Monza has witnessed an incredible number of historical moments
This piece of asphalt is nestled in a beautiful park near the famous “Royal Villa” in Via- le Briac and has remained almost unchanged since the beginning of Formula One (the track itself is ol- der). Sporting stories and human tragedies have remained inscribed in time, woven into the develop- ment of motor sport as we know it today, but they also contributed to the rise of the legend of the circuit at Monza, which is one of the tem- ples of modern motoring. It is the subject of the dreams of the most hardened fans, who fantasise abo- ut at least once being part of the river of “tifosi” (fans), who at the end of the Grand Prix flow towar- ds the foot of the podium to con- gratulate the world’s best drivers. The track at Monza is an im- pressive structure, and the im-
pression of its greatness can best be acquired if you are lucky eno- ugh to step onto it. It is awe inspi- ring with a single step in the mi- ddle of the starting line. That step is made by exiting the restau- rant that was once occupied by the great “Commendatore” Enzo Ferrari, and when you find your- self on that thick, porous asphalt, you look right towards the famo- us ‘Parabolic’ curve and then left I ako ne volite Formulu 1, Moncu morate voleti zbog Gage Nikolića i njegovog Urketa Even if you don’t like Formula one, you must love Monza for Gaga Nikolić and his Urke
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