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kom koju je Minja pre nekoliko godina iz- mislila. Prvo fotografiše umetnika, potom na prozirni pleksiglas nanese prirodni pi- gment u slojevima. Zatim gotove slike od- nese u mesta za koja je određeni umetnik emotivno vezan, pa ih fotografiše tako da se kroz portret u pozadini vidi grad. – Pošla sam od portreta najznačajni- jih ličnosti, aktivnih u ovom momentu, i to u različitim oblastima. Fotografisala sam ih, pričali smo o životu, o njihovim najomiljenijim gradovima u Italiji… Svaka ličnost je predstavljena sa dva rada: jedan je portret naslikan bojama, a odmah po- red, u istim dimenzijama, fotografija tog portreta s gradom u pozadini. Otuda i na- ziv Duša i telo Italije . using a technique that Minja invented a few years ago. First she shot a photo- graph of the artist, then on transparent Plexiglas she applied natural pigments in layers. Then she took the finished ima- ge to a place to which the specific artist is emotionally attached, then she took a photograph so that the city can be seen in the background of the portrait. - I started from portraits of the most significant personalities who are active in this moment, in different areas. I pho- tographed them and we spoke about life, about their favourite cities in Italy etc. Every personality is presented at the ex- hibitions with two works: one is a portra- it painted with colours, and immediately beside that, in the same dimensions, is a photograph of the same portrait with a city in the background. Hence the name “The Soul and the Body of Italy” .
neki način biti deo italijanske reprezenta- cije 2024. Predstavljeno je 37 portreta po- znatih ličnosti, poput kompozitora Enija Morikonea, tenora Andree Bočelija, slikara Mikelanđela Pistoleta, pisca Umberta Eka, reditelja Matea Garonea… Inače, ova izlož- ba samo je deo Minjine serije GAPscape - State of Art Italia. – Izložbom smo podržali kandidaturu Rima kao grada domaćina za Olimpijske igre. Ta saradnja biće nastavljena i nared- nih godina na mojim izložbama kada u fi- nišu kandidature bude dozvoljena pro- mocija i u inostranstvu – kaže Minja i napominje da je kustos izložbe bio Akile Bonito Oliva, poznati likovni kritičar. Portreti su rađeni na pleksiglasu tehni- journalists and politicians. They were cu- rious because the exhibition will in some way be part of the Italian national team re- presentation in 2024. It presents 37 por- traits of famous personalities, such as composer Enio Morricone, tenor Andrea Bocelli, artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, wri- ter Umberto Eco, director Mateo Garone et al. Otherwise, this exhibition is only a part minjin series GAPscape - State of Art Italia. - We used the exhibition to support the candidacy of Rome as the host city of the Olympic Games. That cooperation will also be continued in the coming ye- ars at my exhibitions, when the culminati- on of the candidacy will also allow promo- tions abroad – says Minja, who also notes that the curator of the exhibition was Ac- hille Bonito Oliva, a famous fine art critic. The portraits were made on Plexiglas
Minja Mikić je rođena u Novom Sadu. Bi- la je uspešna gimnastičarka. U jednom tre- nutku umetnost je nadjačala sport. Diplomira- la je na Likovnoj akademiji u rodnom gradu, a sa 23 godine preselila se u Rim. Izlaže u Rimu, u Galleria della Tartaruga, u Njujorku u MZ Ur- ban art (MZ Urban Art), u Cirihu u Kunst foku- su (KunstFokus)... Njene slike su deo velikih privatnih kolekcija širom sveta, ali je posebno ponosna na činjenicu što su deo savremene kolekcije Narodne banke Italije.
ART PROVED VICTORIOUS OVER SPORT Minja Mikić, born in Novi Sad, was a successful gymnast, but at some point art proved victorious over sport. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in her hometown and moved to Rome at the age of 23. She has exhibited in Rome at the Galleria della Tartaruga, in New York, at the MZ Urban Art Gallery, in Zurich, at KunstFokus... Her paintings form parts of large private collections worldwide, but she is particularly proud of the fact that her paintings form part of the contemporary collection of the National Bank of Italy.
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