Elevate September 2016 | Air Serbia


Šta vam je na umu / What’s on your mind

akon 2.800 godina vladavine etrurskih kraljeva, rimskih im- peratora, papa i jednog fašistič- kog diktatora na čelo Rima stu- pila je žena, Italijanka Virđinija

na samo kilometar od Koloseuma i Rim- skog foruma. Udala se za radijskog ured- nika Andrea Severinija, preselila u Ota- viju, predgrađe Rima, i rodila sina Matea. Kao mlada majka svakodnevno se suo- čavala s problemima sugrađana, priklju- čila se pokretu volontera i delovala na opštinskom nivou, da bi je u pokret Pet zvezdica uveo 2011. baš bivši muž. Iako se u međuvremenu rastala sa suprugom, Andrea Severini joj je napisao jedinstve- no pismo i naslovio ga „Gradonačelnici, mojoj ženi“: „Bila si reka koja je preplavi- la sve. Imaš snagu lavice. Znam te 21 go-

dinu. Trenutno prolazimo kroz teške tre- nutke, nema svrhe kriti to, ali ja ću uvek biti uz tebe. Trudiću se da te zaštitim od svih gde god bio.“ Virđinija se glasno i jasno zalagala za bolju budućnost za sve. – Pobedio je narod Rima – uzbuđe- no je uzviknula u pobedničkom govoru. – Ovo je trenutak preokreta. Radiću vred- no da povratim ovom gradu dostojan- stvo. Promeniću sve! Nadamo se da će, poput Marsove vu- čice koja je odgajila osnivače Rima, uspe- ti da podigne novi Rim.

Rađi. Ova 38-godišnja pravnica i lokal- ni odbornik antiestablišmentskog, evro- skeptičnog pokreta Pet zvezdica uspela je da za samo nekoliko meseci predizbor- ne kampanje izađe iz anonimnosti i od Gospođice Niko postane jedno od najpo- znatijih lica italijanske politike. O zanosnoj crnki ne zna se mnogo. Rođena je u rimskom okrugu Laterano,


MISS NOBODY HAS CONQUERED ROME Tekst / Words: Bojana Đurić Fotografije / Photography: MAXPPP

She is a 38-year-old mother of an eight-year-old son, a lawyer by profession, she has just entered politics and won the election to become mayor of Rome. She has promised an era of change for her hometown and fellow citizens You have the strength of a lioness. I've known you for 21 years. We are curren- tly going through difficult times, there is no point in hiding that, but I'll always be beside you. I will try to protect you from all, wherever I am”. Virginia loudly and clearly advoca- tes a better future for all. - The people of Rome won – she exc- laimed excitedly in her victory speech. – This is a moment of a turning point. I will work diligently to restore the digni- ty of this city. I’ll change everything! We hope that, like the Martian she- wolf who raised the founders of Rome, she will succeed in raising a new Rome.

Ima 38 godina, majka je osmogodišnjaka, advokat je po zanimanju, tek je ušla u politiku i pobedila na izborima za gradonačelnika Rima. Obećala je eru promena svom rodnom gradu i sugrađanima od, just a kilometre from the Coliseum and the Roman Forum. She married ra- dio editor Andrea Severini, moved to Ottavia, a suburb of Rome, and gave birth to her son, Matteo. As a young mother, she confronted the problems of her fellow citizens on a daily basis and joined a movement of volunteers and acted at the municipal level, only to be introduced to the move- ment “Five Star” in 2011 by her ex-hus- band. Although in the meantime she has divorced her husband, Andrea Se- verini wrote her a unique letter and en- titled it “The Mayor, my wife”: “You were a river that flooded everything.

After 2,800 years of rule by Etrus- can kings, Roman emperors, popes and one fascist dictator, a woman has come to the head of Rome, an Italian wo- man called Virginia Raggi. This 38-ye- ar-old lawyer and local councillor of the anti-establishment, euro-sceptic mo- vement “Five Star” managed, in just a few months of an election campaign, to emerge from anonymity and go from being Miss Nobody to become one of the most famous faces of Italian poli- tics. Not much is known about this dazzling dark haired beauty. She was born in Rome’s Laterano neighbourho-

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