4A — February 10 - 23, 2017 — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal 3,993,874 s/f portfolio offers leasing of small spaces to anchors Cedar realty trust hires metro commercial to lease 24 centers
Immediate Action Required • Offers currently being considered Portfolio of Environmentally ImpactedDevelopment Sites Three Sites Located in New Jersey BANKRUPTCY SALE (Subject to Bankruptcy Court Approval) Offer Deadline: March 22, 2017 n Kearny, Hudson County, NJ – Belleville Turnpike 28.65 Acres Across 4 Parcels n Kearny, Hudson County, NJ – O’Brien Road 6.76 Acres Across 5 Parcels n Newark, Essex County, NJ – 5.82 Acres Across 2 Parcels All Environmental Issues Have an Active Responsible 3 rd Party
LYMOUTH MEET- ING, PA — Metro Commercial Real Es- tate, Inc ., has been hired by Cedar Realty Trust to lease their Pennsylvania portfolio of 23 properties as well as one New Jersey location. Cedar’s portfolio offers leas- ing opportunities from small spaces to anchors to pad sites. Collectively the GLA of these 24 sites is 3,993,874 s/f. “We are pleased to have been selected to be the ex- clusive agent for one of the most respected REITs in our industry. Metro possesses the expertise and the right team to quickly execute large assignments like this,” said TomLondres , president and CEO at Metro Commercial. “We look forward to part- nering with Metro Commer- cial and believe the synergy between our firms will allow us to best cover the market, create value and return for our shareholders,” said Rob- in Ziegler , chief operating officer of Cedar Realty Trust. “Metro is well versed in both the urban and suburban markets within our region, and we’ve constructed a team of local experts that can P
doah, PA; +/- 71,720 s/f • Golden Triangle - Lan- caster, PA; +/- 202,790 s/f • Halifax Plaza - Halifax, PA; +/- 51,510 s/f • Hamburg Square - Ham- burg, PA; +/- 99,580 s/f • Lawndale Plaza - Philadel- phia, PA; +/- 93,040 s/f • Maxatawny Marketplace - Kutztown, PA; +/- 59,939 s/f • Meadows Marketplace - Hummelstown, PA; +/- 91,518 s/f •Mechanicsburg Center - Me- chanicsburg, PA; +/- 51,500 s/f • Newport Plaza - Newport, PA; +/- 64,489 s/f •NorthsideCommons - Camp- belltown, PA; +/- 69,136 s/f • Palmyra Shopping Center - Palmyra, PA; +/- 111,051 s/f • Port Richmond Village - Philadelphia, PA; +/- 154,908 s/f • River View Plaza - Phila- delphia, PA; +/- 236,217 s/f • Swede Square - East Norri- ton Township, PA; +/- 100,816 s/f • The Commons - Dubois, PA; +/- 203,426 s/f • The Point - Harrisburg, PA; +/- 268,037 s/f • Trexler Mall - Trexler- town, PA; +/- 337,297 s/f • Trexlertown Plaza - Trex- lertown, PA; +/- 319,529 s/f • Washington Center Shop- pes- Sewell, NJ; +/- 157,394 s/f
speak to each center’s specific needs based on their loca- tion, demographics and retail mix,” said Joe Dougherty , executive VP and principal at Metro. The leasing team includes executive VP and principals Joseph Dougherty and Glenn Marvin and vice presidents Pat Gallagher , Valerie Pettine and Lars Kerstein . “We have a wide breadth of knowledge and relationships in both the urban and sub- urban retail markets of the region. Recently, we’ve seen a dramatic shift with suburban retailers looking to expand in the urban environment and this is an area where Metro’s relationships with local, re- gional and national tenants comes as a huge advantage,” said Kerstein. Property locations: • Academy Plaza - Philadel- phia, PA; +/- 137,415 s/f • Camp Hill - Camp Hill, PA; +/- 463,967 s/f • Colonial Commons - Har- risburg, PA; +/- 461,914 s/f • Crossroads II - Bartons- ville, PA; +/- 133,717 s/f • Fairview Commons - New Cumberland, PA; +/- 52,964 s/f • Gold Star Plaza - Shenan-
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