Alternative Access - October 2019


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By David K. Lifschultz, CEO of Genoil Inc. and the Lifschultz Organization of New York City founded in 1899.

economic collapse of Russia is analyzed in the article entitled “Can Russia Have Peace Now?”

The ongoing demonstrations in Moscow are part of the hybrid war of the U.S. against Russia. It is very important to look at this closely, as what we see in Hong Kong is a U.S. hybrid war against China developing over a rather minor issue, and we elaborate on this subject in more detail below. I personally mingled with the crowd in Moscow, and there was no doubt in my mind: It was a farce. Incidents were created right before my eyes, with one eye on the newsreels and the other on the police, to be sure they were being filmed. There was nothing spontaneous here. One demonstrator struck the police as soon as the cameras were turned on. As another

The sanction’s goal is to undermine the government of Russia and replace it with a new Yeltsin mob to recommence mass looting and the breaking apart of Russia. The U.S.-engineered shock treatment in the 1990s was a bizarre form of Al Capone capitalism called “free markets.” There was a dose of Darwinian heresy too, with opponents being shot and the application of the survival-of-the-fittest doctrine. The ultimate objective was and is to break up Russia into 20 countries, as the Baltic States, and then loot each one for their natural resources. As in the Ukraine, oligarchs are created to loot the newly independent countries as an incentive for independence from Russia. The oligarchs were even allowed in the Ukraine to steal the IMF loans as long as they were against Russia. The Russian Central Bank has not achieved independence from the U.S. yet and is greatly undermining the Russian economy, as ordered. We can expect that if the U.S. achieves the destruction of Iran as planned, it will cut Russia off from SWIFT-CHIPS to destroy it. Once Iran and Russia are destroyed, the U.S. will turn its guns on a now- isolated China. That is the plan — the likelihood it will work is just about nil. Continued on Page 3 ...

was being taken away, a woman waited for the cameras to focus here and then started pleading with the police to let her colleague go. Then she fought with the police herself and was taken away too, screaming, kicking, and yelling. This happened over and over. Here below, this Mossad agent agrees

with the goals here despite Israel being an ally of the U.S. The planning for the

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