Board Converting News, November 27, 2023

ICPF Highlights Local, National Workforce Solution Partnerships The International Corrugated Packaging Foundation has announced several potential partnerships that can provide solutions to the industry’s workforce needs. This year, the Manufacturing Institute’s (the workforce development and education partner of the National As- sociation of Manufacturers) second annual employer-led Workforce Summit focused on elevating innovative solu- tions to address key workforce development challenges and opportunities facing modern manufacturing. As employers continue to engage in important conver- sations about how to build a workforce for the future, ICPF would like to highlight national resources and solutions discussed at the Summit which may be helpful for our cor-

porate partners and their hiring needs. The FAME Program: The Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) is an advanced manufac- turing workforce education and development run by the Manufacturing Institute with locations in 12 states. FAME provides global-best workforce development through strong technical training, integration of manufac- turing core competencies, intensive professional practices and intentional hands-on experience to build the future of the modern manufacturing industry. The Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT) pro- gram administered under the FAME model leverages a work/learn framework to weave technical knowledge, pro- fessional behaviors and distinct manufacturing core exer- cises into a focused co-op experience to build global-best, entry-level, multi-skilled maintenance technicians. The FAME model facilitates employer-led partnerships

between your company and local educa- tional institutions and establishes a channel for recruiting diverse, high-achieving and career-oriented students. Once established, the cooperative of local employers that make up the FAME Chapter will generate a continuous pipeline of skilled technicians through the AMT pro- gram. Interested employers can join a local chapter or start your own if there isn’t one already in your area. To learn more about FAME or get started today, visit . Manufacturing Extension Partner- ship: MEP is a public-private partnership with Centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico dedicated to serving small and medi- um-sized manufacturers. The MEP National NetworkTM offers an extensive range of workforce services and resources that address every stage of the employee lifecycle. Services include talent assessment and planning, attraction and recruitment, train- ing and development for production work- ers as well as leadership, employee en- gagement and retention, and more broadly creating an effective organizational culture to become an employer of choice. Heroes MAKE America Program: The Manufacturing Institute’s Heroes MAKE America program provides integrated cer- tification and career-readiness training in partnership with local community colleges to prepare transitioning service members, veterans, National Guard members, reserv- ists and military spouses for rewarding ca- reers in manufacturing. With backgrounds that often include


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