" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4 r / & 8 4 “OUT-OF-THE-BOX” PLAN TO DEAL WITH LABOUR SHORTAGE
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, BEEJOHUIBUUIPTFEFDJTJPOTJODMVEFIBWJOH to refuse new contracts or consider reducing existing staff to cut expenses. 5IF àWF BHFODJFT IBWF QPPMFE UIFJS SFTPVSDFTUPDSFBUFB FNQMPZNFOU JODFOUJWF GVOE5IF GVOEXJMMCFBWBJMBCMF UISPVHI UIF 13&4$ UP 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM businesses and non-profit groups so they DBOPGGFSB JODFOUJWFQBZNFOU UP BOZQSPTQFDUJWFOFXFNQMPZFFXIPBHSFFT to accept a full-time permanent position. 5IF JODFOUJWF GVOEXJMMCFBCMF UPIFMQ BUUSBDUBNBYJNVNPGQPUFOUJBMFN - ployees for local and regional businesses.
5IF JODFOUJWFBJE JTOPU SFTUSJDUFE UP KVTU attracting skilled workers. Candie noted that TPNFCVTJOFTTFTBSFIBWJOHUSPVCMFàOEJOH people to fill general labour positions. 5IFFNQMPZNFOUJODFOUJWFGVOEJTNFBOU to complement but not replace existing fede- SBMBOEQSPWJODJBMFNQMPZNFOUBJEQSPHSBNT 0ODFUIF GVOEJTFYIBVTUFE UIFSF are no plans to renew it. Candie noted that UIFàWFBHFODJFTBSFXPSLJOHPOPUIFSQMBOT and projects to continue dealing with the local labour situation. i*U JODFOUJWFGVOE JTKVTUUIFCFHJOOJOH u $BOEJFTBJEi8IBUT JNQPSUBOUOPX JT UP create new jobs.”
A coalition of local and regional econo- mic development agencies have come up with a “Made in Presott-Russell” solution to help deal with the regional labour shortage problem. “Thank you so much for coming up with an out-of-the-box solution,” said Francis Drouin, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP, EVSJOHB/PWFNCFSQSFTTDPOGFSFODF at Hawkesbury’s Le Chenail cultural centre. 5IF1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM$PNNVOJUZ%FWFMPQ - ment Corp. (PRCDC), the Prescott-Russell &NQMPZNFOU4FSWJDFT$FOUSF 13&4$ UIF )BXLFTCVSZ*OEVTUSJBM*OWFTUNFOU"TTPDJB - UJPO )**" UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP5SBJOJOHCPBSE &05# BOEUIF1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM$IBNCFSPG Commerce (PRCoC) joined forces to create a financial subsidy program aimed at helping businesses throughout the Prescott-Russell region to attract potential employees needed to fill positions. +PIO$BOEJF 13$%$FYFDVUJWFEJSFDUPS noted during his explanation of the program that the pandemic had a serious impact on many businesses, with some forced to close during the early days because the mandatory self-isolation kept staff homebound. Some businesses now reopening are finding it hard to recruit new employees to fill positions that BSFTUJMM WBDBOUCFDBVTFTUBGGIBWF UBLFO early retirement, found other work during the pandemic that allows them to work from home now, or are unable to report back to
work for other reasons. /POQSPàUHSPVQTUIBUTFSWFMPDBMDPNNV - nities are also experiencing similar staffing QSPCMFNT4FWFSBMTQFBLFSTBMTPOPUFEUIBU efforts to recruit potential employees from PVUTJEFUIFSFHJPOJTBMTPQSPWJOHEJGàDVMUGPS WBSJPVTSFBTPOT JODMVEJOHBHSPXJOHUSFOE for many people to want jobs that allow them to work from home. “More and more this labour shortage is forcing our local businesses to make difficult decisions,” said Stéphane Sarrazin, warden John Candie, directeur exécutif de la Société d’aide au développement des collectivités de Prescott-Russell, annonce un nouveau projet d’incitation à l’emploi pour aider les entreprises locales à attirer de nouveaux employés. Cinq agences de développement économique locales et régionales mettent en commun leurs ressources pour élaborer des programmes visant à remédier à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre dans la région. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
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