Time to Count People with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Appendix A: Reflections from roundtable attendees Why now? The case for the urgent prioritisation of population-level breast cancer stage and recurrence data The following section sets out key quotes from attendees regarding why national breast cancer stage and recurrence data is important and why its collection should be immediately prioritised by the federal and state and territory governments and cancer sector stakeholders. Attendees highlighted the importance of population-level breast cancer stage and recurrence data to: Evaluate cancer screening programs and other early detection activities

Routinely collected and linked national population level cancer stage data is a core data element in the cancer data ecosystem to unlock more potential from the existing cancer data for monitoring and evaluation of programs and initiatives such as screening programs. (Pre-roundtable survey respondent)

Assess the efficacy of new tests, scans and treatments

...being able to see gains in post-metastatic survival and how that’s distributed across the community, particularly in needy groups and remote groups and the like. And maybe getting an earlier window on whether new drugs are having an effect rather than waiting, at the population level, for death statistics to arrive.

Understand population level changes and trends in cancer diagnosis, recurrence and survival

This information is essential for surveillance and epidemiological cancer research...Stage and recurrence data would allow enumeration of the metastatic/ advanced population, which would then allow for epidemiological studies that could identify and track adverse events, long-term outcomes related to metastatic/advanced cancer and its treatment. (Pre-roundtable survey respondent)


National Roundtable Report

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