King's Business - 1947-10

Dr. Paul R. Bauman, instructor at Biola for many years, has left to take up new duties at the Grace Theological Seminary at Winona Lake, Indiana. He will be greatly missed by the entire Biola Family. Horton Hall, 2620 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 4, Calif., is the attractive meet­ ing point for Christian young people in the Bay District, and particularly for Biola students who plan further educa­ tion at the University of California. Here it is that the California Bible League has its headquarters with Ver­ non V. Morgan ’13, and Mrs. Morgan (known to all of the early day students of Biola as Margaret Horton, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. Horton) as directors. Betty Bums ’45 is vice- president, and Ida Van Riter ’41 teaches a number of Bible classes. Other Family Circle names familiar to Bible Leaguers are: Edna Doolittle, Eula May Flippo, Lester Kinzie, Barbara Flory, Ruth Downs-Bess, Roland Smith, Betty Pres- sly, Lucille Falconer, Agnes Bollin ’45, and Berniece Black ’47. The Bible League’s field secretary states: “ As you. probably realize, the ministry on the campus is for two main groups, the Christian students, and the non-Christian students. The best meth­ od to reach the latter group is by the effective witness of the Christian stu­ dents. There are various classes through­ out the week. Mrs. Morgan states: “ There are no dull moments with these young folks, and we thank the Lord for the great privilege which is ours to be working with them.”

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Editors: Keith L. Brooks and Howard W . Kellogg

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Beautiful Horton Hall at Berkeley, California, where the Word of God is taught, and Christian fellowship is enjoyed by University students.

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