King's Business - 1947-10

T he O nly E quitable V alues A re F ound in C hristian L eadership M att . 20 :31 Men’s standards are based largely upon selfish interests. The autocratic ruler is interested in protecting his position. The capitalist is interested in protecting his funds and his income. The laboring man is interested in protecting his “ rights.” The Scripture verifies this when it says, “ Every man seeketh his own.” Men of the world establish their own standards. They are not interested in or bound by the standards of the Word o f God. All of which results in chaos, turmoil, and war. Each man demands that others re­ spect his desires. Hearts rebel against this treatment and hence there can be no peace. When Christ saves the soul, then the mind thinks God’s thoughts after Him. Desires for personal gain are sub­ dued. The rights o f others are enhanced in value and equity abounds. R eal W orld E quality C an O nly E xist A mong C hristians M att . 23:8 Christians esteem others better than themselves. Believers in Christ recog­ nize their own inability and inefficiency and gladly seek help from others. Be­ lievers who have wealth sit at the Lord’s table with those who are poor. The mil­ lionaire who is a real Christian gladly serves with his brother who is poorer than he. Christians of all races and in all places in society lay aside their na­ tional or social barriers that they may fraternize with other believers in happy fellowship. No other power nor influence can bring about such a happy situation. National aspirations cannot be con­ quered by round table agreements. Men always have and always will believe that might makes right. Only the Christian believes in righteousness and real equal­ ity. Men will never agree until they agree to trust, honor, and love Jesus Christ our Lord. Send $1.00 with the names and addresses j of 10 of your friends to whom sample f copies of the King's Business will be | promptly mailed. I Circulation Department j Sin is like fire; it bums and destroys. Sin is like rust; it corrodes. Sin is like dope; it stupefies. Sin is like poison; it kills. —Norman H. Camp KODACHROME Bible Slides Familiar scenes— Reverent in treatment. Full color 2 " x 2” slides in Eastman Ready-Mounts, .50 ea. S.V.E. binding, .60 ea. Taped glass binding, .65 ea. Send for free list. FRED VISSER 139% So. Westmoreland Ave. Ph. FEderal 5008 Los Angeles 4, Calif. THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope Street . Los Angeles 13, Calif. j j

November 16, 1947 HAVING CLEAN FUN PROV. 4:20-27; C ol . 3:17

T HERE are many kinds of pleasure offered in the world. Some are prof­ itable, interesting, and delightful while others are unclean, unprofitable, and harmful. The Scripture mentions “ filthi­ ness of the flesh and of the spirit,” both o f which abound in the pleasure pro­ grams o f the world. Some desire physical pleasure and others want intellectual entertainment. Neither satisfies the crav­ ing of the heart, for the “ eye is not satis­ fied with seeing nor the ear with hear­ ing.” Some pleasure has the same effect upon the heart that salt water has upon the mouth and throat; it increases the desire for more but does not satisfy the thirst. However, there are diversions, recreations, and pleasures which bring relief, relaxation, and rest to the weary mind and body, and in these Christians may take part.

W e S hould D o A ll T hings to H is G lory 1 C or . 10:31

The world generally is not interested in the glory of God. The Christian, how­ ever, is interested in honoring His Lord and magnifying His name. A t the ball game, the worldly crowd will curse the umpire and swear at the players and signify their displeasure by throwing pop bottles.- The Christian will enter into his amusement with a heart filled with gratitude to God and with a desire to enjoy to the full the relief that comes from mental or physical labor. The be­ liever will seek to avoid sin in order that he may end his time of refreshment with a heart as pure as when he entered it. The Christian will seek pleasure in order to rest the mind and body, the

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